Western District Conference

Executive Board, Commissions, Committees, Task Forces

Nomination suggestions for WDC Elected Positions

Do you know someone (must be a member of a WDC congregation) in your congregation or the wider conference who has leadership gifts, skills and perspectives to share in WDC? The WDC Gifts Discernment Committee seeks a diversity of names to consider for potential nominations, and values your suggestions. Please use this form to submit the name of a potential nominee. (Submit one name per form.) Thank you for your help in this discernment process!


The Executive Board is the overall visioning, direction-setting, prioritizing and policy-making board of the Western District Conference.  The Executive Board acts on behalf of the delegates between Delegate Assemblies.  The Executive Board creates structures and organization that employ the spiritual gifts of the conference in its witness to Jesus Christ.  Duties & Members

Executive Board Meeting Highlights

Executive Committee

This committee shall consist of the three elected officers plus the conference minister ex officio.  It shall meet as needed to transact such business and offer counsel as may be required for the orderly and timely conduct of WDC agenda.  The Executive Committee shall make decisions concerning projects and assignments authorized by the Executive Board, but in all cases these will be reported to the full Executive Board at its next meeting.  Members

Gifts Discernment Committee

Six members shall be elected by the Delegate Assembly.  The Executive Board shall nominate persons for election to the committee.  Two committee members shall be elected each year at the annual Delegate Assembly.  The Gifts Discernment Committee shall nominate no fewer than one or more than two persons for each elective office to be filled.  Nominations, elections and appointments should be made with sensitivity and balance with regard to the makeup of the conference.  The Gifts Discernment Committee shall present the slate of nominees at the Delegate Assembly.  Members

Hope Fund Task Force -Discontinued

Update: The Executive Board approved a request from the Hope Fund Task Force that it be allowed to expire and that the remaining funds be retained in a restricted fund with oversight by the Executive Board, for future use of congregations with emergency needs. Revised guidelines for the fund will be developed and approved by the Board in January.

Purpose:  To process and approve applications for grants from the Hope Fund, according to guidelines approved by the Executive Board.


The Church Planting Commission provides leadership and resources for church planting initiatives and fosters relationships with emerging Anabaptist/Mennonite groups.  The Church Planting Commission helps emerging groups and their leaders connect with the congregations, resources, staff, and structure of Western District Conference.  Duties & Members

Essential Procedures for Church Planting


The Ministerial Leadership Commission helps congregations find and sustain pastoral leadership and serves the unique needs of pastors, youth ministers and church planters through encouragement, support, accountability and credentialing. The Ministerial Leadership Commission resources congregational elders and deacons as part of the ministry team with pastors.

Duties & Members

Ministerial Leadership Commission Updates


The Resource Commission empowers Western District Conference congregations as they witness to Jesus Christ in the Anabaptist/Mennonite tradition, connect with God’s mission in the world and provide faith formation resources for all ages. The Resource Commission encourages use of the Conference Resource Library and supports and promotes training events for congregations and their leaders.  The Resource Commission has a broad agenda that requires careful allocation of resources and discernment according to WDC priorities.  Duties & Members

Bi-Conference Youth Ministry Committee

Envisions and implements area conference youth ministries which engage congregations in reaching, resourcing, and reviving youth for an everlasting relationship with Christ.  Members

Historical Committee

Promotes interest in and knowledge of Western District history and its context. Develops policies about items of historical and cultural interest including the collection, preservation, and availability of official records and materials pertaining to the Western District Conference and its congregations via a relationship with Mennonite Library and Archives at Bethel College as the official depository of this material.  Members

Farm Worker Health Task Force

Purpose:  A resolution was presented, seconded and carried during the Western District Conference (WDC) sessions in 2003 at the Eden Mennonite Church, Moundridge, KS, to appoint a committee for the task of identifying the concerns and needs of the Low German Mennonites (LGM) from Mexico in the area of the WDC, especially in Kansas.  Members and More Information

Immigration Task Force – Discontinued

Announcement from the WDC Immigration Task Force: The Immigration Task Force has discontinued its work as of November 9, 2022, due to changing life circumstances of the task force members.  Task Force members Raylene Hinz Penner, Ryan Goertzen-Regier, Anali Looper, Kendra Davila, Pat Cameron, Karin Kaufman-Wall and Kathy Neufeld Dunn (WDC Associate Conference Minister liaison) thank the WDC congregations that continue to be actively involved in immigration and refugee work. We pray that the networking gatherings we hosted were helpful and encouraging to you. We are all still passionate about justice for immigrants and refugees, and hope a new task group will form with participation of members from across WDC, to help keep all WDC congregations informed of immigration and refugee issues across our conference. Consider carrying on this vital work or tap a WDC friend to consider it. A WDC Task Force can be formed by any group of WDC people in response to special needs or interests, through an application process described in the WDC Constitution (WDC Constitution (Spanish) For more information contact the WDC office at 316-283-6300 or wdc@mennowdc.org

Purpose:  To coordinate a network of WDC congregations involved or interested in ministries related to immigrants and refugees.  In order to accomplish this mission, the task force will 1) maintain a database of congregations, including contact information and the nature of the congregations’ interests and involvement related to immigrants/refugees; 2) connect congregations with similar levels and types of interest and involvement for mutual support and resourcing; 3) networking, encouraging, and posting information from and to congregations about legislative developments, conferences, direct actions, speakers etc; and 4) facilitate periodic face-to-face gatherings of immigration/refugee congregations (for example, at Reference Council meetings, WDC Assemblies), and other like-minded organizations in the broader church and in our communities.  More Information and Resources

Israel-Palestine Task Force

Background and Purpose:  The task force originated in March of 2017 in response to the MC USA 2015 resolution, Supporting Palestinian and Israeli Partners in Peacemaking and to encourage WDC delegates support of the 2017 Seeking Peace in Israel and Palestine resolution which passed overwhelming in Orlando.  The task force encourages WDC congregation’s faithful response to the 2017 resolution by:

■   Understand the realities of the Occupation – study Kairos Palestine & MennoPIN Resources.

■   Engage Christian Zionism – encourage conversation & relationship with Zionists for a just peace.

■   Avoid economic support for the occupation – learn Boycotts, Divestments & Sanctions (BDS).

■   Strengthen relationships & understanding of Jewish, Muslim and Palestinian communities.

■   Partner with Palestinian, Israeli and Christian Peacemakers – in action, prayer & advocacy.

Members and More Information


The Stewardship Commission gives oversight to the Western District Conference legal, financial, personnel and property matters and promotes and encourages participation in the ministries of the conference through communication, prayer, volunteerism and financial support with an emphasis on firstfruits giving.  Duties & Members

Staff Relations Committee

Oversees personnel matters and policies in consultation with the conference minister.  Members

Trustee Task Force

Purpose:  To review loan applications for the Revolving Loan Fund.  To make recommendations as to the acceptance of property or disposal of property.  To evaluate and enter into legal contracts (real property).  To supervise and manage Conference property.  Members