Executive Board Duties & Members

Executive Board Duties:

  • Provide leadership and spiritual oversight in articulating and monitoring the vision and priorities of Western District Conference.
  • Promote communication among WDC leadership persons and groups in specific ways, such as: exchange of minutes, regular reporting to the board, staff presence at commission meetings, regular meetings of the four commission chairpersons and appointing board members to connect with a specific commission.
  • Approve the WDC Policy Manual.  Create new policies as needed and periodically review and update the policies.
  • Appoint a conference minister as the primary administrative officer of WDC.  Guide, assist and support the conference minister in the oversight of the mission, ministries and staff.  With the conference minister, determine desired staffing levels and positions to carry out WDC priorities.
  • Conduct, or provide for a limited annual review of the conference minister and a major review every three to five years.
  • Activate a search committee when the position of conference minister becomes vacant, and act upon the recommendation of such committee for a replacement.
  • Call special meetings of the commissions, Reference Council or the delegate body when pressing needs make such meetings advisable.
  • Facilitate Reference Council meetings by bringing issues to the Reference Council for discussion and counsel.
  • Upon recommendation of the Gifts Discernment Committee, fill vacancies on commissions and committees as they occur between Delegate Assemblies.
  • Nominate candidates for the Gifts Discernment Committee.
  • Act on Task Force applications.
  • Receive an annual budget recommendation from the Stewardship Commission, and after review and modification (if needed), submit the budget to the Delegate Assembly for action.
  • Be responsible for the Delegate Assembly, including the program, the credentials of delegates, resolutions, and recommending the annual budget.
  • Determine the nature and scope of partnership arrangements with other area conferences of Mennonite Church USA and other institutions and agencies.
  • Appoint area conference delegates to MC USA assembly sessions.
  • Appoint there persons to the Constituency Leaders Council (Conference Minister, Conference Moderator and another representative).  The representative is appointed for one term of two years and may be renewed once.

Executive Board Members:

  • (2026) Eric Buller, Moderator, Hoffnungsau Mennonite Church, Inman, KS
  • (2026) Katherine Goerzen, Moderator-Elect, Tabor Mennonite Church, Newton, KS
  • (2026) Wendy Funk Schrag, Secretary, First Mennonite Church, Newton, KS
  • (2025) Aurora Parchmont, Iglesia Menonita Casa Del Alfarero
  • (2025) Lee Lever, Austin Mennonite Church, Austin, TX
  • (2025) (Appointed member) Berni Kaufman, Eden Mennonite Church, Moundridge, KS
  • (2026) Dave Wiebe, First Mennonite Church, Newton, KS
  • (2026) Caleb Gingerich, First Mennonite Church of Christian, Moundridge, KS
  • (2026) (Appointed member) Chris Becker, Austin Mennonite Church, Austin, TX
  • (2027) Dan Kunzman, First Mennonite Church, Beatrice, NE
  • (2027) Gabriel Pennington, Southern Hills Mennonite Church, Topeka, KS