-April 7 – During this Easter season, give thanks for the living presence of Christ embodied by WDC congregations within their local communities.

-April 14 – Pray for WDC ministers gathering this week for a retreat sponsored by the WDC Ministerial Leadership Commission.

-April 21 – Pray for generous financial support for WDC congregations and their ministries, and for WDC as it equips and connects with congregations and ministry leaders across the conference.

-April 28 – We welcome the season of Spring this month. It is a time of planting seeds, the leaves and perennials returning, new birth, and the fresh restoring rains. Please pray with us for our church plant pastors and leaders. We ask for them to be filled with the joy, love and energy for their work. We ask for showers of blessings. -WDC Church Planting Commission

-28 de abril – Damos la bienvenida a la temporada de primavera este mes. Es un tiempo de siembra de semillas, el regreso de las hojas y plantas perennes, el nuevo nacimiento y las lluvias frescas y restauradoras. Por favor, oren con nosotros por nuestros pastores y líderes plantadores de iglesias. Les pedimos que se llenen de alegría, amor y energía por su trabajo. Pedimos lluvias de bendiciones. -Comisión de Plantación de Iglesias del WDC