The 2024 WDC Annual Assembly will be held on Aug 2-4, 2024 at First Mennonite Church, Beatrice, NE
2023 WDC Annual Assembly – August 11-13
At Tabor Mennonite Church, 891 Chisholm Trail, Newton, KS 67114
The Assembly theme, “Holy / Wholly Listening” will focus around Isaiah 51: 1-8 &
Numbers 27: 1-11.
Easy way to give! Do you want an easy way to donate to help cover WDC Annual Assembly expenses? Simply text ASSEMBLY with the amount you want to give (e.g. “ASSEMBLY 25” – to give $25) to 316-320-0787. We are grateful for any gifts toward this important annual gathering. Thank you for your support!
Health Protocols and Registration Cancellation Policy: Masks are not required this year. As a way of showing love for your neighbor, if you are feeling ill, please consider joining us virtually or offering your “spot” to a friend. In other words, you may change your registration to virtual or you may transfer your payment to cover someone else’s attendance. (You may also ask for a refund minus an administrative fee or donate your registration cost.) Thank you for looking out for the safety of the most vulnerable among us!
¡Manera fácil de dar! ¿Quiere una manera fácil de donar para ayudar a cubrir los gastos de la Asamblea Anual de WDC? Simplemente envíe en un mensaje de texto ASSEMBLY con la cantidad que desea donar (por ejemplo, “ASSEMBLY 25” – para dar $25) al 316-320-0787. Agradecemos cualquier obsequio para esta importante reunión anual. ¡Gracias por tu apoyo!
Protocolos de Salud y Registro: Este año no se requieren máscaras. Como una forma de mostrar amor por su prójimo, si se siente enfermo, considere unirse a nosotros virtualmente u ofrecer su “lugar” a un amigo. En otras palabras, puede cambiar su registro a virtual o puede transferir su pago para cubrir la asistencia de otra persona. (También puede solicitar un reembolso menos una tarifa administrativa o donar su costo de registro). ¡Gracias por velar por la seguridad de los más vulnerables entre nosotros!
Assembly Registrant Information Packet – Español

WDC Assembly Reports are due on June 9. We request a written report and a short 1-3 min video from WDC Staff, Executive Board, Commissions, Committees, Task Forces, Institutions, Organizations and Partnerships with WDC as a way of updating all of WDC on the work you do. These will be posted and shared at Annual Assembly. A reminder will be sent out soon. Please mail or email the reports to the WDC office:
RESOLUTIONS POLICY: Resolutions must be submitted a minimum of 120 days prior to Annual Assembly (in 2023, that date is April 12). Send to: WDC Executive Board, PO Box 306, North Newton KS 67117 or