
Western District Conference supports congregations and leaders in responding to coronavirus (COVID-19), as they seek to plan wisely and care for members of the community.  In the midst of the uncertainty and fears that we all face in this time, here are some resources to assist you:


Sample protocols for congregational gatherings during COVID-19:


Sample survey for churches about returning to in-person activities


Reflecting on Faith and Fear“A Time Enduring” is a second FREE edition of the Rejoice devotional in the midst of a pandemic.  These are wonderful, thoughtful reflections by some gifted Anabaptist writers.


Faith Formation Network options, May 6, 2020


Covid-19 Resources – Planning for the future:  As congregations plan ahead for a combination of ongoing electronic connections and reintroducing in-person gatherings, here are resources to consider:


WDC Hope Fund

Western District Conference has established a Hope Fund to support congregations and ministers in direct response to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. We are seeking to raise funds to respond to the most vulnerable by empowering local congregations to meet needs with Christ’s love and generosity in a time of fear and anxiety.


Are the Kids OK?  11 Ways to Keep Children and Youth Safe While They’re at Home –

Reflecting on Faith and Fear“Time Such As This” is a FREE edition of the Rejoice devotional in the midst of a pandemic.  These are wonderful, thoughtful reflections by some gifted Anabaptist writers.


Pausing to reflect on coronavirus  by Heidi Regier Kreider, WDC Conference Minister (WDC Sprouts article, March 31, 2020)


Financial Resources:

Extravagant Generosity

Why Choose Generosity in Times of Uncertainty and Fear?

Virtual Gathering, Real Community


Church Finances during COVID-19


(Facebook video) Glen Guyton on how MCUSA and it’s agencies are caring for members


COVID-19 Resources and Ideas

Ritual at a Distance


Being Church in a Time of Coronovirus


Resources from MC USA:     (Check back for ongoing updates.)

Informational sheet from Everence in English and Spanish to help churches respond to and manage issues related to the coronavirus epidemic.

Free booklet from Christianity Today, “A Concise Coronavirus Guide for Churches” with scriptural and theological reflections, as well as practical guidelines for church activities and planning:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – Resources for Community- and Faith-Based Leaders at

Other information from CDC:

– English –

– Spanish –

– Factsheet – English:

– Factsheet – Spanish: