Western District Women in Mission (WDWM) invites women and girls to their annual potluck salad supper on Monday, April 28 at 6 p.m. at the Tabor Mennonite Church. Our theme is “For the Beauty of the Earth.” After the potluck and a meditation on God’s creation, Rebecca Schrag will lead a floral design workshop with flowers provided by Firebranch Farm and other sources. Each participant will make a small bouquet to take home. 

RSVP appreciated and required by April 15 at our website link:  https://www.westerndistrictwomeninmission.org/events-1 

Please bring: * a salad to share (table service will be provided) * a small vessel to make a bouquet (a tea cup is ideal) * several flowers from your garden if you have them to share * a kitchen or garden shear if you have one

Questions: Email westerndistrictwomen@gmail.com Follow us on Facebook & Instagram