Stewardship Commission Duties:
- Encourage and receive donations, fees and bequests of real and personal property on behalf of the Western District Conference. Insure an orderly process of accounting for and reporting of WDC income, expenditures, accounts and investments.
- Administer the Revolving Fund, make loans from the fund in accordance with such guidelines as the Stewardship Commission may provide.
- Lead the process of developing an annual WDC budget and present the budget to the Executive Board for its approval and submission to the Delegate Assembly.
- Develop and implement fund-raising initiatives and strategies.
- Appoint a three member Staff Relations Committee (three year staggered terms with a two term limit) to oversee personnel matters and policies in consultation with the conference minister.
- Oversee the management, maintenance and policies of 2500 Place and other WDC-owned property. The Stewardship Commission may delegate certain management, maintenance and policy functions to other WDC entities.
- Promote participation in Western District Conference by communicating the ministries of WDC, developing and maintaining networks of prayer support, connecting with congregations through a network of representatives and area meetings as needed.
- As directed by the Executive Board, represent WDC in all legal matters as the administrative arm of WDC. Execute all necessary legal documents and insure the safekeeping of important documents, papers and electronic files.
Stewardship Commission Members:
- (2025) Sarah Balzer, Southern Hills Mennonite Church, Topeka, KS
- (2025) Dick Koontz, Bethel College Mennonite Church, North Newton, KS
- (2026) TBD
- (2026) Karl Swartz, Lorraine Avenue Mennonite Church, Wichita, KS, Staff Relations Committee Liaison
- (2027) Cleo Koop, Tabor Mennonite Church, Newton, KS, Chairperson
- (2027) Vern Jantzen, First Mennonite Church, Beatrice, NE
(Contact Western District Conference Business Manager for other church financial information.)