Who we are

Conference Staff

Meet the Western District Conference pastors and staff. Find individual email addresses here or fill out our contact form for general inquiries.

Honorarium Guidelines for Conference Staff

  • Heidi Regier Kreider

    Conference Minister

    Heidi cares for WDC as a whole by focusing on God’s purposes, promoting our mission and priorities, and nurturing leaders.  She works with the Ministerial Leadership Commission in the credentialing and support of pastors, assists congregations in pastoral search processes, coordinates WDC staff, and builds relationships with other institutions including our denomination, Mennonite Church USA.

  • Kathy Neufeld Dunn

    Associate Conference Minister (Kansas-based)

    Kathy relates to congregations and pastors in Oklahoma, Nebraska and parts of Kansas.  Together with the Resource Commission, she equips congregations in areas such as faith formation, safety for children and youth, peace and justice.  Kathy coordinates annual assembly planning when it takes place in the northern part of WDC.

  • Michelle Hiebert

    Administrative Assistant

    Michelle manages the WDC office, coordinates communications and record-keeping, facilitates registration and preparations for special events, and much more!

  • Sandra Montes-Martinez

    Associate Conference Minister (Texas-based)

    Sandra supports congregations and pastors in Texas, and helps plan for annual assembly when it is in Texas.

  • Dwight Regier

    Conference Youth Ministry Leader

    Dwight supports youth pastors in WDC congregations, helping to equip them in their faith formation ministries with youth.

  • Violeta Ajquejay Suastegui

    Ministry Assistant

    Violeta assists in supporting pastors and congregations in Texas, Hispanic ministries, and in church planting.

  • Jennie Wintermote

    Resource Library Director


    Kids Meet Christ Administrative Assistant


    Jennie provides congregations and individuals with print and DVD resources to help them grow in their faith.  She offers suggestions for personal growth, children’s stories, and study materials for congregations, youth and adult groups, and pastors.

    Jennie also handles administrative details for our Kids Meet Christ initiative that aims at supporting our congregations to reimagine and revitalize worship with children at the center.

  • Shari Scheffler

    Business Manager

    Shari works with the Stewardship Commission to maintain financial records and manage the budget.

  • Mike Lamb

    Fund Development Coordinator


    Mike promotes resource development for congregations and encourages congregational and individual giving to support WDC’s ministries of resourcing congregations, of sustaining ministers, and cultivating church planting partnerships.

  • Grace Parker Sutter

    Kids Meet Christ Program Director

    Grace is the Program Director of our Lilly Endowment-funded, five-year faith formation initiative, Kids Meet Christ. The Kids Meet Christ initiative aims at supporting our congregations to reimagine and revitalize worship with children at the center.