2023 Assembly Workshops

Workshop Descriptions and Schedule –

In-Person – Saturday, Aug 12  –  3:15 pm – 4:15 pm

1) Active-Assertive Listening – Fernando Pérez & Rebeca González – English Interpretation provided

The need to assume a positive attitude in the encounter with the other despite the differences that are a challenge today, considering the social polarization that exists in our families and in faith communities. With the help of one of the psychotherapeutic trends such as Logotherapy we will present, from our point of view, some proposals of active-assertive listening, including the Socratic method.

Location:  Classroom 13/14

2) AMBS Practical Leadership Training:  An Intro to Practices and Principles for Effective Boards

– Luis Tapia Rubio and Michael Danner – Spanish Interpretation provided – Hybrid

Boards are unique and continually adjust to changes — including their members. The organizations they support are also unique, so there is not one model or set of rules for all boards to follow. Instead, following guiding principles is what brings the best outcomes. Boards that create a context for the healthy functioning of their organizations are essential as we face the challenges of leadership today.                               

Location: Sanctuary

3) The Color of Our Conference 

– WDC Anti-Racism Audit Team -No Interpretation Available

Engage in conversation about the work of the Western District Conference Anti-Racism Audit Team. See the current face of WDC, hear the voices of BIPOC leaders in the conference, and reflect on how you can respond in the Conference and in your community.

Location: Classroom 16

4) Give Thanks and Encourage One Another:  A Conversation about WDC’s Listening Process 

– Wendy Funk Schrag, Doug Penner and Heidi Regier Kreider – No Interpretation Available

The WDC Listening Process invites each congregation to host an in-person visit from a WDC listening team during the coming year. Listening visits will be an opportunity for your congregation to have conversation about what is lifegiving for your church community, hopes for the future of your congregation, and what connections and resources from WDC would be helpful to empower your congregation’s ministry. In this seminar, members of the listening process planning team will share about the purpose and plans for the process, why it is happening now, and how you can participate!

Location: Conference Room

5) Being Church: Thriving and Planting … 

– Sandra Montes-Martinez – Bilingual Workshop

An interactive conversation to encourage church leaders to make intentional and meaningful connections that impact their communities and fulfill their mission with renewed energy and vision. Participants will engage in group discussions exchanging ideas and fostering collaborations. We will talk about strategic planning, leadership development, community outreach, effective communication, and best practices in missional ministry.

Location: Classroom 17

6) Wilmer to Wilmer:  Generational Faith Formation

Mitch Stutzman and Carol Duerksen – No Interpretation Available

We have more generations participating in church life than ever before. How do we nurture the faith walk of great grandpa Wilmer and preschool Wilmer in meaningful ways in our communities? Join us as we use the story of Zacchaeus to practice both multi-generational and inter-generational faith formation.

Location:  Classroom 15

7) Women in Church Leadership

Lois Barrett & Dorothy Nickel Friesen – No interpretation available

            Lois Barrett and Dorothy Nickel Friesen will tell highlights from their new book, Proclaiming the Good News: Mennonite Women’s Voices 1972-2006, just published by the Institute of Mennonite Studies. Hear women’s stories from the past decades, including the parts played by those in Western District Conference. Strategize ways the church can encourage women’s leadership today.

            Location: Hospitality Hall

 8) Creating Relationships and Understanding in Gaza

– Bob Atchison and Tareq Abuhalima – No interpretation available

            MennoPIN’s Gaza Twinning Initiative encourages congregations to engage in relationships with groups in Gaza which include prayer, listening, support and advocacy to address poverty, violence and human rights abuses. Manhattan Mennonite Church and Youth Vision Society (YVS) was the first twinning partnership. Relationships and projects with Tareq Abuhalima of YVS developed into a graduate assistantship at Bluffton University where he co-directs Lion and the Lamb. The seminar offers experiences growing up in Gaza under the Israeli blockade, wars and the Twinning relationship with Manhattan Mennonite Church.

            Location: Classroom 11

In-Person: Sunday, August 13 – 10:45 am – 11:45 am

1)  Camp Mennoscah: Where Need Meets Vision

– Tammy Duvanel Unruh – No Interpretation provided

            Come see what’s happening at camp and share what’s happened!

            Location: Conference Room

2)  Healthy Conflict Transformation Amid Polarization

– Jes Stolzfus Buller – Spanish interpretation provided – Hybrid

            The world around us models extremely unhealthy ways of talking to (or yelling at) one another when it comes to conflictive issues. We say we are peacemakers, but when it comes to extended family gatherings and conversations on social media, it doesn’t always look that way. We need to practice. There is a holy energy that comes when we work at conflict in constructive ways. Engaging conflict rather than running from it represents a reimagining of ministry — a completely different way to do church. Healthy practices for engaging with people with whom we disagree are fundamental skills that pastors and leaders need today.

In this workshop you will…

•Gain tools for understanding and approaching interpersonal and congregational conflict in the current context of polarization and division

•Study biblical texts for insights into tools for dialogue and conflict management

•Grow skills while learning principles and best practices for moving towards conflict and addressing divisive issues through healthy dialogue

•Imagine possibilities for congregations and communities to learn and practice healthy dialogue for conflict management

            Location: Sanctuary

Cancelled3)  Healthy Congregational Leadership in Times of Transition

– Michael Danner – No interpretation provided

            What are the skills that church board members and other congregational leaders need during times of pastoral transition?

            Location: Hospitality Hall

 4)  Creating Relationships and Understanding in Gaza  

-Bob Atchison and Tareq Abuhalima – No Interpretation provided

            MennoPIN’s Gaza Twinning Initiative encourages congregations to engage in relationships with groups in Gaza which include prayer, listening, support and advocacy to address poverty, violence and human rights abuses. Manhattan Mennonite Church and Youth Vision Society (YVS) was the first twinning partnership. Relationships and projects with Tareq Abuhalima of YVS developed into a graduate assistantship at Bluffton University where he co-directs Lion and the Lamb. The seminar offers experiences growing up in Gaza under the Israeli blockade, wars and the Twinning relationship with Manhattan Mennonite Church.

            Location: Classroom 13/14

Virtual Workshops

Saturday, Aug 12  –  3:15 pm – 4:15 pm

1)  AMBS Practical Leadership Training: An Intro to Practices and Principles for Effective Boards 

– Luis Tapia Rubio and Michael Danner  

Hybrid – Spanish interpretation provided

Boards are unique and continually adjust to changes — including their members. The organizations they support are also unique, so there is not one model or set of rules for all boards to follow. Instead, following guiding principles is what brings the best outcomes. Boards that create a context for the healthy functioning of their organizations are essential as we face the challenges of leadership today.

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81189183908?pwd=SW9XQW9tb1NOWm5xS3p3dTdqREo5dz09

Meeting ID: 811 8918 3908  Passcode: 387283

Sunday, Aug 13 – 10:45 – 11:45 am

1)  Camp Mennoscah: Where Need Meets Vision 

– Host: Camp Mennoscah Staff – In English only

Come see what’s happening at camp and share what’s happened!

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86920891765?pwd=RGlzVEhOeUY3TkJORzJFdVFJNWVEZz09

ID 869 2089 1765    Passcode: Mennoscah

2)  Healthy Conflict Transformation Amid Polarization

– Jes Stolzfus Buller – Hybrid, Spanish Interpretation Provided

The world around us models extremely unhealthy ways of talking to (or yelling at) one another when it comes to conflictive issues. We say we are peacemakers, but when it comes to extended family gatherings and conversations on social media, it doesn’t always look that way. We need to practice. There is a holy energy that comes when we work at conflict in constructive ways. Engaging conflict rather than running from it represents a reimagining of ministry — a completely different way to do church. Healthy practices for engaging with people with whom we disagree are fundamental skills that pastors and leaders need today.

In this workshop you will…

•Gain tools for understanding and approaching interpersonal and congregational conflict in the current context of polarization and division

•Study biblical texts for insights into tools for dialogue and conflict management

•Grow skills while learning principles and best practices for moving towards conflict and addressing divisive issues through healthy dialogue

•Imagine possibilities for congregations and communities to learn and practice healthy dialogue for conflict management

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89630908781?pwd=WXJKdEt6SXBlZ05SY1lHcHVkcEY1UT09

Meeting ID: 896 3090 8781   Passcode: 834696