WDC Sprouts, September 8, 2015

A weekly communication for:

WDC Churches and Pastors

WDC Executive Board, Commission, Committee and Task Force members

Any content may be used in bulletins and newsletters and

forwarded to congregational leaders and members.

WDC Sprouts is also available at:  www.mennowdc.org (Publications)



*Story Collection Celebrates Rosella Wiens Regier’s Life


Story Collection Celebrates Rosella Wiens Regier’s Life

     by Jeanette Roberts, Interim Resource Librarian

Churches are beginning to use the new Sunday school Shine curriculum, so it’s a good time to think about the people involved with such a large faith formation project and thank them for their inspiration and work.

It also brings to mind a new resource in the WDC Resource Library: Miz Regier, Wuz You Crying’? and Other Stories: a collection of Rosella Wiens Regier Stories, compiled by Harold Regier, Rosella’s husband. In addition to her many other roles, Rosella acted as executive director for the development of new Sunday school curriculum for the conference. The Jubilee curriculum was developed under her tutelage.

Rosella has always been an avid writer and has filled many journals. This book is a selection of Rosella’s writings and journaling through the different seasons of her life.  It includes heartwarming stories from her school teaching days, light-hearted reflections about aging, treasured memories of family members, special experiences as a pastor’s wife, insights about faith and much more.

Those who know Rosella — teachers, pastors and their wives, grandparents, people of faith and many more — will find much to enjoy and reflect upon in this compilation of experiences in Rosella’s life. Harold and Rosella Regier reside in North Newton, Kansas.

For more books of interest, search at Conference Resource Library or http://mennowdc.booksys.net/ Contact us at crlib@mennowdc.org /316-283-6300.

Western District Announcements

  1. Western District Conference will meet at Bethel College October 30 and 31 for the 2015 Annual Assembly.  Please consider being a delegate from your congregation, or register as a non-delegate to take advantage of all the worship, delegate sessions, fellowship and learning possibilities.  Additionally, both worship services are open to the public without registration.    More Assembly information at:  www.mennowdc.org/annual-assembly
  1. Make-o-rama, the Saturday portion of Lorraine Avenue Mennonite Church’s Peace Weekend, 2015, will be held September 19, 1:00 – 4:00 pm at the church (655 S. Lorraine Ave. in Wichita). This neighborhood celebration of creativity is made possible in part through funds from a Loaves and Fishes grant from Western District Conference. It will include FUN, FREE ACTIVITIES FOR ALL AGES. There will be coffee from Sunflower Espresso Wichita, jazz by Tom Harder, Mike Fetters and Joel Linscheid, a performance by Safira’s School of World Dance, vocal music by other LAMC members plus loads of fun activities for children and adults, including demos and all manner of geeky fun with members of Make ICT, model engines, vintage transportation, quilts, duct tape fashion play, MCC school kit assembly line, and power tool play for kids. Come one, come all to Make-o-rama!
  2. Attn:  Church offices – Please send your current church directory to the WDC office.  Thank you!

Camp Mennoscah Announcements

  1. Annual Meeting isn’t just for the old fogeys!  The Annual Meeting on Sept. 20 at Camp Mennoscah has stuff for all ages–disc golf, a scavenger hunt, and bath house tours at 3:30pm.  Do all those things and then stick around for a brief business meeting at 5pm followed by a simple meal.  Everyone invited!  Donations for the meal will be taken.
  1. Work & Play Camp is a hoot!  This year we’ll be registering folks on Sept. 20 at 3pm and then shooing you off to join Camp Mennoscah’s Annual Meeting.  Starting on Monday morning we’ll be diving into projects of every size and shape, coffee breaks (and tea!), some devotions, and fun and games.  Folks of all ages are invited to stay through Weds., Sept. 23, to build community, improve Camp Mennoscah, and bask in the prairielands.  Register online at www.campmennoscah.org or call 620-297-3290.  No charge for this retreat; meal donation suggested.
  1. You’ve been thinking maybe you’d like to make a scrapbook out of that last trip you took or organize the 900 gazillion pictures on your laptop.  Lucky you!  We’ve got a whole weekend of cropping, talking, and fun for you.  Camp Mennoscah’s Fall Scrapbooking Retreats are Oct. 30-Nov. 1 and Nov. 6-8.  It’s a nice huge chunk of time dedicated to you and your scrapbooking endeavors.  Register online at www.campmennoscah.org or call 620-297-3290.

Mennonite Church Announcements

  1. Where is the Good News for Rural Folk?  AMBS-Kansas Center will be hosting S. Roy Kaufman’s webinar entitled “Where is the Good News for Rural Folk?” This webinar will take place on Wednesday, September 30 from 1:00 – 2:30pm at the AMBS-Kansas Center classroom at 2517 N Main in North Newton, KS. This webinar will explore how a ministry of community formation might take place in the lives of declining rural congregations, enabling these congregations to become missional agents of change in their communities.  Cost is $10 per participant. Please contact Katherine Goerzen at kgoerzen@ambs.edu to register. The registration deadline is September 23.
  1. Quilts needed: Crossroads Community Church in Winfield is preparing to host their annual “Water for Africa Auction” to benefit MCC water projects in Africa. However, they are short on quilts and sale organizers are seeking donations for finished quilts.  Can you help? Please contact Maynard Knepp for details 316.285.3820 or maynardknepp@mcc.org by September 25.


Western District Conference

2517 North Main, PO Box 306

North Newton KS  67117

316-283-6300; FAX:  316-283-0620

Email:  wdc@mennowdc.org’ Website:  www.mennowdc.org