September 11, 2018

A weekly communication for:

WDC Churches and Pastors

WDC Executive Board, Commission, Committee and Task Force members

Any content may be used in bulletins and newsletters and

forwarded to congregational leaders and members.

WDC Sprouts is also available at:  www.mennowdc.org (Publications)


*Pastoral Openings

*News and Transitions


Pastoral Openings

First Mennonite Church, Hillsboro, KS – Pastor

Mennonite Church of the Servant, Wichita, KS – Pastor

News and Transitions

Eric Buller is serving as Interim Pastor at Lorraine Avenue Mennonite Church in Wichita, KS.

Pete Emery is serving as Interim Pastor at Southern Hills Mennonite Church, Topeka, KS.

Lois Harder will begin October 1 as Bridge Pastor at Alexanderwohl Mennonite Church, Goessel, KS.

Kristine Regehr is serving as Transitional Pastor at Southern Hills Mennonite Church, Topeka, KS.

Randy Smith will begin October 14 as Interim Lead Pastor at Faith Mennonite Church in Newton, KS.

Luann Yutzy is serving as Transitional Pastor at Lorraine Avenue Mennonite Church in Wichita, KS.

WDC announcements

  1.  Did you know? The WDC Resource Library is open 8 am-5 pm (Monday through Friday) in North Newton, KS. The librarian’s hours have recently changed: M-W-F: 1-3:15 pm and T-TR: 8-9:15 am. Stop by or contact the library to find out what’s new! crlib@mennowdc.org

    2.  September 23, 5-8 pm, Grace Hill Mennonite Church (10218 SE 12th St, Whitewater, KS) is hosting their 3rd annual Community Hog Roast.  Everyone is invited to an evening of outdoor fellowship with food, yard games and music provided by the Ken Regier family. A free will donation will be accepted to support area food banks.  Everyone is welcome!

  1. Available now!  “Detectives of Divinity” is a 13-session Bible curriculum for grades 1-5. The development of this curriculum was sponsored by the WDC Resource Commission, and developed by Western District teachers, artists, and business people (who created a non-profit called “Springs Forth!”).  The materials grow out of and reflect our Anabaptist understanding of the Scriptures, and the values are based on the life and teachings of Jesus.   Order at:  http://springsforth.com

Camp Mennoscah announcements

  1. Please register by Monday, September 17, for Work & Play Camp!  Our numbers are small and we’d love to share this fun retreat with more people.  Email us at office@campmennoscah.orgor call us at 620-297-3290.  Without more attendees, Work & Play Camp will take on a new structure of single work days.
  1. Help us finish the playground at Camp Mennoscah!  The new slides and cable climber for the Whale playground have arrived and we need your help!  Upcoming work days are Sept. 14 and 15,   9am-4pm.   Volunteer for a day or half a day! Contact camp at 620-297-3290 or office@campmennoscah.org. Bring friends!
  2. Come to camp on Sunday, September 23, as we dedicate The Whale playground and celebrate Camp Mennoscah’s 70th Anniversary at the Annual Meeting!  All are welcome to attend.  Register online at campmennoscah.orgto let us know you’re celebrating with us!
  1. Camp Mennoscah will have a booth at Bethel College’s Fall Festival on October 6.  The booth will feature monstrous monster cookies, water, and camp souvenirs for sale.  Stop to say howdy, buy a cookie (or tee shirt) and head off to your next Fall Fest adventure!
  1. Fall Scrapbook and Crafts Retreats are October 26-28 and November 2-4.  Register online at campmennoscah.org!  Further questions?  Call 620-297-3290.

Mennonite church announcements

  1. SAVE THE DATE—The annual Instituto Bíblico Anabautista (IBA) benefit dinner will take place Friday, October 19 at 6:30 pm at First Mennonite Church in Newton, KS. A smothered pork burrito dinner will be prepared and served by Chef Carlos Lujano. (Meatless burritos available by request.)  A program will follow, featuring a dance performance by the children of Iglesia Menonita Casa Betania, IBA graduation of Casa Betania Students, Students testimonies,  and some words and greetings from director, Marco Güete.  Dinner is by donation. This is a great opportunity for a Sunday School class, small group or individuals to come, to support and hear how IBA is equipping Hispanic leaders in Mennonite Church USA for ministry.  IBA is a program of Mennonite Education Agency’s Hispanic Ministries for Leadership Development and Pastoral Education. For any inquires contact Violeta Ajquejay Suastegui at: VioletaA@MennoniteEducation.org or call 316-281-4342. (Please post the attached flyer on your church bulletin board.)
  1. Fall Festival at Bethel College in North Newton, KS will be on October 6!

–Donations needed for baked goods for the Market in the Round for at Bethel College Fall Festival:  1 dozen Zwieback, Peppernuts (2 cups in ziplock bag), cinnamon rolls, cookies, bars, brownies etc).  Baked goods can be dropped off at Luyken Fine Arts Center on Friday evening (10/5) or Saturday morning (10/6).
–The Bethel College Women’s Association Council is seeking donations of pies for the Pie by the Slice Booth.  We are hoping to reach our goal of 70 pies!  Pies can be brought to the Student Center on Friday (10/5) between 4-7 pm, or by 9 am to the Pie Booth Saturday morning (10/6).  9″ disposable tins are suggested, and please, no cream pies!

–Support Bethel College with your winning bid! The Bethel College Women’s Association will again feature a Silent Auction at Fall Fest.  Stop by the Fine Arts Center lobby from 9 am-1 pm to bid on artwork by Susan Bartel and Bob Regier, jewelry by Gail Lutsch, a table runner by Carol Peters, and vintage Mary Lou Goertzen plates.  Or, bid on a unique experience such as Dinner for 8 with President Jon Gering and Deborah Gering in Goerz House; season tickets to a BC sport of choice, plus a meet and greet with coaches; an “insider chat” with Wichita Symphony conductor Dan Hege, a Bethel grad; or a stay at Jerry and Leann Toews’ B&B including tours of amazing mechanical and furniture collections.  Bids close promptly at 1 pm. Come see us in the Fine Arts Center lobby to bid on these great items!

  1. Mennonite World Conference General Secretary, César García, plans to visit central Kansas for several days including Sunday, November 18, and is available to speak in local congregations that Sunday.  If your congregation is interested in hosting him to preach or give a Sunday school presentation, contact Arli Klassen, Coordinator of MWC Regional Representatives and Chief Development Officer, at ArliKlassen@mwc-cmm.orgor 226-988-2833 (cell) or 519-571-0060 (office).
  1. Join MC USA in global prayer for immigration justice on Peace Sunday – September 23.  Use the Peace Sunday prayers and worship resources created by Mennonite World Conference with the theme “A renewed peace church welcomes the stranger”.
  1. Calling practitioners of creation care, scholars, food justice activists, urban gardeners, environmental justice practitioners, farmers and church members!  You’re warmly  invited to the fourth Rooted and Grounded: A Conference on Land and Christian Discipleship,September 27-29 at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary in Elkhart, IN.  The event will weave together worship, theology, biblical study and praxis.  If three or more undergraduate students register from the same college or university, their registration is free!  ambs.edu/rootedandgrounded
  1. Recordings of past webinars from Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary are available for purchase for $20 online.  Toipcs include How We Got the Bible; Changing the Way the Church Views Racism; Planting Peace Churches; Congregational Leadership and Ministry in the Face of Sexual Abuse; Introduction to Anabaptism; Exploring Your Call to Ministry; and more.  ambs.edu/webinars
  1. The Kansas Chapter of MEDA (Mennonite Economic Development Associates) announces three one thousand dollar grants.  In connection with our regular annual convention, this year we are inviting young professionals under the age of 40 to attend a special 24 hour event designed particularly for this group of people.  MEDA works around the globe to create business solutions to poverty.   Last year through our work in 60 countries, and in partnership with 322 other organizations, we were able to help 91 million families.  We want to engage young professionals who share an interest in our mission.   We invite you to come to Indianapolis, November 9-10 to 1) network with fellow innovators, entrepreneurs, working professionals, and global citizens, 2) listen to special guest speakers in business and international development, and 3) take a firsthand look at MEDA’s worldwide work in creating business solutions to poverty.  For those who have a business idea they want to pitch, there is also a chance to present this to a panel of judges and be entered in a chance to win $5,000.  Three finalists will receive free registration, transportation, and lodging for the event.   To learn more, go to: www.meda.org/MEDAx.  If you have interest in applying for one of the three one thousand dollar grants to attend this event, please contact Jerry Weaver – 620-327-4933, jerwea@gmail.com

    WDC Sprouts announcement guidelines:
    Announcements pertain to Western District Conference (WDC) ministries and churches, institutions with which WDC has formal relationships, and Mennonite Church USA agencies and ministries.  

    Western District Conference

2517 North Main, PO Box 306

North Newton KS  67117

316-283-6300; FAX:  316-283-0620

Email:  wdc@mennowdc.org

Website:  www.mennowdc.org