October 13, 2015
A weekly communication for:
WDC Churches and Pastors
WDC Executive Board, Commission, Committee and Task Force members
Any content may be used in bulletins and newsletters and
forwarded to congregational leaders and members.
WDC Sprouts is also available at: www.mennowdc.org (Publications)
*Pastoral Openings
Pastoral Openings
Alexanderwohl Mennonite Church, Goessel, KS – Pastor (Search Committee appointed)
Bethel College Mennonite Church, North Newton, KS – Pastor (Search Committee appointed)
Eden Mennonite Church, Moundridge, KS – Pastor
Faith Mennonite Church, Newton, KS – Associate Pastor (Search Committee appointed)
Grace Hill Mennonite Church, Whitewater, KS – Pastor
Hoffnungsau Mennonite Church, Inman, KS – Pastor (Search Committee appointed)
New Creation Fellowship Church, Newton, KS – Pastor (Search Committee appointed)
San Antonio (TX) Mennonite Church – Pastor (Search Committee appointed)
WDC Announcements
- Today would be an excellent time to register for the WDC Annual Assembly, October 30-31 at Bethel College. This will be an exceptional opportunity to hear our new Conference Minister, Heidi Regier Kreider, as well as the Mennonite Church USA Executive Director Ervin Stutzman, preach at the worship services. Registration deadline is this Friday, October 16. We look forward to seeing YOU at Annual Assembly! Information and online registration at: mennowdc.org/annual-assembly/.
- Attn: Church offices – Delegate List Forms for the WDC Annual Assembly are due this Friday, October 16. Please, we ask that every church submit this information! You can do this online at: mennowdc.org/annual-assembly/ or use the paper form previously sent.
- Pastors’ Afternoon Apart – Presentations by Tom Yoder Neufeld and Chuck Neufeld on church unity – October 30, 1:00-4:30 pm at Faith Mennonite Church, Newton, KS. Remember to register by this Friday, October 16 at: mennowdc.org/pastors-afternoon-apart-october-30-2015/
- Leadership Transformation Grant update: Oct. 26 is the registration deadline for the Nov. 16-18 You.Lead.Now seminar at Kansas Leadership Center, the final session of the seminar for 2015. For more information see http://kansasleadershipcenter.org/programs. To apply for a Leadership Transformation Grant from WDC to attend this seminar, contact Heidi Regier Kreider, Conference Minister, at heidirk@mennowdc.org or 316-283-6300.
- Hoffnungsau Mennonite Church, rural Inman, will have its annual Mission Supper from 5 to 7pm on Saturday, October 17. The proceeds to benefit Saint Francis Community Services – Hutchinson Adoption Unit to provide Christmas gifts for special needs children waiting for adoptive families. For a free will donation, dinners include baked sausage, mashed potatoes, creamed peas, applesauce, rolls and homemade pie. All are invited and bring a friend. Hoffnungsau Mennonite Church is located at 43 13th Avenue, or 5 miles east and 3.5 miles south of Inman; 14 miles west 2.5 miles north of Hesston; 12 miles south, 1 mile west and .5 mile south of McPherson; or 5 miles east and 2.5 miles north of Buhler. For more information contact the church office at 620.585.6733 or like us on Facebook at Hoffnungsau Mennonite Church.
- Scrappy Happy! If you’re a scrappy happy (or maybe croppy hoppy?) type of person, Camp Mennoscah still has a few spots open at the Fall Scrapbooking Retreats. We think you ought to come out with all your pictures and spend some time with some nifty folks and do some nifty things. Crafters are also welcome; contact us about space requirements. Retreats are Oct. 30-Nov. 1 and Nov. 6-8. Register online at www.campmennoscah.org or call us at 620-297-3290.
- 2016 Annual Reservations–Camp Mennoscah reservation forms and information will be sent to churches and groups approximately 9 months before the scheduled retreat date. This is different than the year-end mass mailing that has been done in the past. Please contact Camp Mennoscah at 620-297-3290 with any questions or changes in your group contact person.
Mennonite Church Announcements
- Preaching Workshop: Are you looking for preaching tips and new ideas for sermon writing? AMBS-Kansas Center will be hosting a Preaching Seminar led by Allan Rudy-Froese entitled “Preaching as Testimony.” It will be held November 13-14, 2015 and February 26, 2016 on the Bethel College Campus in North Newton, KS. This three-day workshop is open to all who are interested in practical preaching tips and learning more about the power of testimony in preaching. Registration and more information are available at: https://www.ambs.edu/churchleadershipcenter/Preaching-Seminar.cfm. Early Registration deadline is October 23 (prices increase $50 on Oct. 24).
- Dedicated to “empowering and equipping faith communities to keep children safe,” Dove’s Nest (http://dovesnest.net/) offers training and resources on a variety of topics related to child and youth protection. In January 2015, Dove’s Nest created a national Speaker’s Bureau of highly qualified members who are available to train across North America. Presentations can be uniquely tailored to your faith community to meet your training and assistance needs as you work to keep kids safe. Here are some examples of training events we offer:
*raising awareness about the importance of a safety policy
*developing a child and youth protection policy
*guidelines for safely incorporating abuse offenders into faith communities
*implementation information for the Circle of Grace child protection curriculum.
Speaking events may range from a 1–8 hour community training, a 20-minute sermon, or a 10-minute outreach spotlight during worship. Dove’s Nest also offers presentations for Sunday school classes, children’s sermons, and other church presentations. When requested, we have provided training to camp counselors, camp staff, and others who work with children and youth. Visit the Dove’s Nest website to learn about current events or to request a training event for your faith community. Also visit the bio page for the Speaker’s Bureau members for your area to see a list of their qualifications and training specialties.
- The Mennonite Heritage & Agricultural Museum in Goessel, Kansas, is seeking qualified applicants for the positions of Store Manager and Curator/Archivist. We are looking for persons who are interested in museum work and have a passion for preserving the history of Mennonites in the Goessel area and the broader Mennonite community. Candidates must have a strong ability to prioritize multiple projects independently and be well-organized and detail oriented. Persons interested in either of these as part-time positions, or as one full-time position, are encouraged to contact Steve Banman, Board President, for a job description and more information at 620-367-4610.
Western District Conference
2517 North Main, PO Box 306
North Newton KS 67117
316-283-6300; FAX: 316-283-0620
Email: wdc@mennowdc.org
Website: www.mennowdc.org