May 21, 2019

A weekly communication for WDC Churches and Pastors

WDC Executive Board, Commission, Committee and Task Force members

Any content may be used in bulletins and newsletters and

forwarded to congregational leaders and members.

WDC Sprouts is also available at:  www.mennowdc.org (Publications)


*Turning the world upside down


Turning the world upside down

by Byron Pellecer, WDC Associate Conference Minister (Texas-Based)

While reflecting on Acts 17, I remembered a song that emphasizes Jesus as the God of the poor and the marginalized, the God who works at the gas station, who is also human, humble and simple, and the God who walks with people from all social classes.

Also, He is the God who is mighty, just, loving and the One who struggles with the oppressed, the persecuted, the discriminated whose back is against the wall suffering the lashes of the master or trying to jump over the wall as he seeks hope for a better tomorrow and sustenance for life.

At the synagogue in Thessalonica, Paul argued from Scripture explaining and proving how it was necessary for the Messiah to suffer and to rise from the dead. Then he added boldly, “This is the Messiah, Jesus whom I am proclaiming to you.” Some believed and others opposed.

It seemed to be that Paul’s and Silas’ message and lifestyle qualified them as “These who have been turning the world upside down”.

When true revelation from Scripture is present, revolution as transformation tends to be the natural and expected outcome. Paul’s message was not about a political insurrection; it was about a social transformation and yet, it had political implications. Jesus is Lord.

Like Paul and Silas, in times of hatred, indifference, intolerance and rage that dominate our global and national context, we are challenged to give evidence of our faith, allegiance and obedience to God. Also, we are challenged to walk with the outcast who is despised by society.

I wonder if our neighbors see us – the church – as those who are turning the world upside down or do they see in us just as another religious group whose lifestyle does not reflect the risen Christ?

My Christ’s Spirit continue leading us to the path of Shalom and transformation.


Trastornando al mundo
by Byron Pellecer

Mientras reflexionaba sobre Hechos 17, me llevó a recordar una canción que enfatiza a Jesús como el Dios de los pobres y los marginados. El Dios que trabaja en la gasolinera, que también es humano, humilde y sencillo, y el Dios que camina con personas de todos los estratos sociales.

Además, Él es el Dios que es poderoso, justo, amoroso y Aquel que lucha con los oprimidos, los perseguidos, los discriminados, cuya espalda está contra el muro sufriendo los azotes del amo o tratando de saltar sobre el muro mientras busca esperanza por mañana mejor y por el sustento de la vida.

En la sinagoga de Tesalónica, Pablo discutía usando las Escrituras explicando y probando cómo era necesario que el Mesías sufriera y resucitara de entre los muertos. Luego agregó audazmente “Este es el Mesías, Jesús, a quien les estoy proclamando”. Algunos creyeron y otros se opusieron.

Parecía ser que el mensaje y el estilo de vida de Paul y Silas los calificaban como “Estos que han estado trastornando al mundo también han venido aquí”.

Cuando la verdadera revelación está presente, de la Escritura; La revolución -transformación- tiende a ser el resultado natural y esperado. El mensaje de Pablo no fue sobre una insurrección política; Se trataba de una transformación social y, sin embargo, tenía implicaciones políticas. Jesús es el Señor.

Al igual que Pablo y Silas, en tiempos de odio, indiferencia, intolerancia y rabia las cuales dominan nuestro contexto global y nacional, tenemos el desafío de dar evidencia de nuestra fe, lealtad y obediencia a Dios. También estamos desafiados a caminar con el marginado que es despreciado por una sociedad la cual está tentada a creer que es mejor que los demás con solo mirar a los rostros de las personas. ¿Son mejores que el Todopoderoso quien creó a la humanidad a Su propia imagen?

Por otro lado, me pregunto si nuestros vecinos ¿nos ven a nosotros, la iglesia, como aquellos que están trastornando el mundo? o ¿nos ven solo como otro grupo religioso cuyo estilo de vida no refleja al Cristo resucitado?

Que el Espíritu de Mi Cristo continúe guiándonos hacia el camino del Shalom y la transformación.

WDC announcements

  1. WDC Annual Assembly will be July 26-27 at Bethel College in North Newton, KS –  information coming soon!  Complete information and registration will be available by June 1 at:  https://mennowdc.org/annual-assembly/#2019annualAssembly.
  1. Join the Farm Fun at the WDC Resource Library!  It’s time to sign up for Summer 2019 Story Hour.  Story hour is a fun, free activity and a wonderful way for parents/grandparents to bond with children while having delightful book adventures.  Enroll your children ages 3-8 for story hour now!  Call/email: 316-283-6300, crlib@mennowdc.orgor register online at https://forms.gle/AnSemnebkm8xr8gg6.  Dates and times: Mondays, June 17-July 22 at 9:30 a.m.  (Central KS Churches–please print and share (post, email, etc.) the attached Story Hour poster.)

    3.  Conference Resource Library Book Sale June 13-15.  Support the Library and take home some treasures.  Both library discards and book donations are looking for new homes.  Thursday & Friday 8am-5pm and Saturday 9am-noon.  WDC Offices, 2517 N. Main in North Newton.

  1. WDC Immigration Task Force invites you to attend the July 2 pre-convention seminar “Welcoming Immigrants in 2019” prior to the Mennonite Church USA convention in Kansas City.  WDC has 5 ($100 each) scholarships that would allow a delegate or other #MennoCon19 participant to register for this seminar and have at least part of an extra night in a convention hotel paid for.  If you are interested in a scholarship, please email wdc@mennowdc.orgas soon as possible.  WDC has special permission to add names to this seminar even though it is past the deadline.
  1. Leadership Lunches continue on the fourth Thursday of each month. These lunch discussions are based on Kansas Leadership Center (KLC) principles, competencies, and behaviors, but please come even if you haven’t attended a KLC training. Case studies are used to guide our time together. This week’s case study will focus on the recent borderlands learning tour.  Come join us on Thursday, May 23 at the WDC offices from 12-1:30pm (bring your own lunch).  If you want to join via Zoom video conference, let us know (wdc@mennowdc.org), and you will be sent a link. We hope to see you there!

Camp Mennoscah announcements

  1. Part-week nurse needed for Junior High I camp!  We are looking for a nurse to fill in from June June 13-15 (Thursday-Saturday). Nurses need to be licensed in Kansas and be a RN (or equivalent).  Please contact us at 620-297-3290 or olivia.bartel@campmennoscah.org!  It’s 2 and a smidgen fun days of camp!
  1. Come volunteer!  The second Work & Play Day will be May 25 at Camp Mennoscah from 8:30am to 2:30pm.  These single work days replace our fall Work & Play Camp.  We hope to finish up the work on the bunk beds and put planks back in the dam (pending weather).  Projects will vary based on skill, ages, and weather.  A simple lunch will be served.  All ages welcome; those under 18 must have an adult with them.  Let us know you’re coming–register online at www.campmennoscah.orgor call us at 620-297-3290!
  1. Don’t miss out on the fun!  Camp Mennoscah has openings for more summer youth campers for grades 3 to High School (fall 2019).  Just go online to www.campmennoscah.organd click on Register Online at the top of the page.  Weeks will be filled with worship, singing, Bible study, friendship bracelets, swimming and river play, and gobs of other fun stuff.  Our theme is Peace Works: Empowering Peacemakers.  Call 620-297-3290 for more information.
  1. Only a few openings left!  Camp Mennoscah is looking for a limited number of kitchen staff for certain weeks in the summer.  Thank you for helping us fill all the needed spaces!  Contact us for dates.  Kitchen helpers only need to be able to follow directions and have willing hearts & hands!  Contact Olivia at 620-297-3290 or olivia.bartel@campmennoscah.org.

Mennonite Church announcements

Join Mennonite Mission Network’s free webinar celebrating the 75th anniversary of Mennonite Voluntary Service.  Learn how God inspired many to live out their faith through service and how the program continues to move young people to put their faith into action.  When:  May 21 at 7 pm EDT / 6 pm CDT.  How:  visit www.mennonitemission.net/news/MVS-webinar for instructions to join!

WDC Sprouts announcement guidelines:  Announcements pertain to Western District Conference (WDC) ministries and churches, institutions with which WDC has formal relationships, and Mennonite Church USA agencies and ministries.  

Western District Conference
2517 North Main, PO Box 306
North Newton KS  67117
316-283-6300; FAX:  316-283-0620
Email:  wdc@mennowdc.org
Website:  www.mennowdc.org