August 6, 2019
A weekly communication for WDC Churches and Pastors
WDC Executive Board, Commission, Committee and Task Force members
Any content may be used in bulletins and newsletters and
forwarded to congregational leaders and members.
WDC Sprouts is also available at: www.mennowdc.org (Publications)
*What do you do, Part 2
What do you do, Part 2
by Jennie Wintermote, Resource Library Director
Some of you may have read my July 2 Spouts Article where I reflected on who Western District Conference is, and why we exist. After our Annual Assembly (July 26-27), I might say we worship, sing, play, celebrate, deliberate, learn, act, praise, seek, listen, share, love, and so much more! We are a family who (though imperfect) seeks to faithfully follow God and also seeks ways to join God’s action in our communities.
Over the last few months, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about WDC’s Mission Statement and what it means to be a part of WDC. How can I start the conversation in my family, at my church, in my community about God and God’s great plan? As any librarian might do, I put together some lists of resources to help explore our Mission Statement in depth and imagine where my life and this mission intersect. As I worked through this project, I got really excited. There is a look of brokenness and pain in our world…but God is doing amazing things. God longs for peace and offers hope–and we have the incredible privilege of being one of the conduits of that peace and hope.
So what is WDC? Why do we exist?
We empower Anabaptist/Mennonite congregations to:
Witness & invite others to faith in Jesus Christ,
Dwell in just & loving relationships,
Connect to God’s mission in the world.
What does that mean in practical every-day actions? I’ve pulled together three lists (one for each line of our Mission Statement) that help you (or your small group, family, Sunday school class, or congregation) explore what this means in your context.
Check out the three documents attached to this edition of Sprouts, stop by the library, or visit the lists on our online catalog to explore the WDC Mission Statement. Or contact me at the library crlib@mennowdc.org, (316)283-6300.
WDC announcements
1, WDC congregations and members: Let us join others across the church and nation in prayer and action in response to the tragedy of gun violence. To read a statement issued this week by Mennonite Church USA along with resources for prayer, conversation and action, see http://mennoniteusa.org/menno-snapshots/call-to-prayer-and-action-gun-violence/
- Thanks to all who attended WDC annual assembly July 26-27! We were blessed in worship, inspired by sermons from Glen Guyton, Mennonite Church USA Executive Director, challenged to learn through a rich variety of workshops, celebrated over 40 years of women’s ordination in WDC, and and enjoyed good music, food, fun and fellowship at Saturday evening’s family festival! In addition, the delegate session included the following actions:
– Affirmed reception of Iglesia Camino de Santidad (Liberal, KS) as a member congregation of WDC.
– Approved a budget of $608,327 for 2020, with encouragement to seek creative fundraising initiatives to support the mission and ministry of WDC.
– Approved nominees presented by Gifts Discernment Committee for new elected positions in WDC: Executive Board: Lee Lever, Jim Stucky; Gifts Discernment Committee: Eldon Epp, Eric J. Jantzen, Dwight Mueller; Church Planting Commission: Tim Amor, Alberto Parchmont; Ministerial Leadership Commission: Rachel Ringenberg Miller, Todd Schlosser, Dave Stevens; Resource Commission: Valerie Klaassen, Steve Wilcox; Stewardship Commission: Dick Koontz, Darlene Powers.
– Affirmed a resolution of thanks for all who helped plan, lead and host assembly.
(Full minutes from the delegate assembly will be sent out and posted on the WDC website soon).
Next year’s WDC annual assembly will be July 31 – Aug 2, 2002, at Camp Copass in Denton, TX. Mark your calendars now!
- Transitional Ministry Training: Camp Mennoscah will host a Transitional Ministry Training, October 21-23, sponsored by Amigo Centre with trainers Gary Martin and Paula Killough. For more information and registration form see the attached brochure or go to http://tmt.amigocentre.org.Registrationdue-date is September 1. WDC encourages persons who sense a call to this specialized ministry to take this training. We affirm the value of transitional ministry in the mission of the church, and seek to equip leaders to guide congregations through the process of preparing to enter a new chapter of leadership and ministry. Registration for the training requires a letter of recommendation for training from a conference minister. If you are discerning whether to take this training, feel free to contact WDC Conference Minister Heidi Regier Kreider at 316-283-6300 for further conversation.
- Zion Mennonite Church, Elbing, KS will be celebrating Pastor Rosie Epp’s 40th year of ordination on Sunday, August 25. Pastor Rosie was ordained by the WDC on August 26, 1979 at Lorraine Ave. Mennonite Church, Wichita. The celebration begins at 9:45 with a presentation on Mennonite women in ministry, followed by a worship celebration at 10:45 am and a taco bar lunch. All are invited to join.
Camp Mennoscah announcements
- Camp Sing this weekend! Camp Mennoscah’s annual celebration of the summer youth camps is this Sunday, August 11, at Hoffnungsau Mennonite Church in Inman, KS, at 6:30pm. Bring lawn chairs and blankets–this is an outside venue! (Unless there is rain.) The evening starts with an optional storytime from 5:45 – 6:05pm followed by gobs of joyous singing. After this time of worship and fun, we’ll share in popcorn, pop, and conversation. All are invited, whatever your age or skill!
- The Mental Health Spiritual Retreat at Camp Mennoscah will be September 1-2. The theme for the retreat is Living Peacefully! Come support each other and enjoy fellowship, music, and worship. This retreat is for individuals affected by mental illness, including family and friends. Register online at campmennoscah.org.
Mennonite church announcements
- Save the date – Bethel College worship and arts symposium focusing on multi-cultural worship – November 21-23. More information at: https://www.bethelks.edu/academics/convocation-lectures/worship-arts-symposium.
- E3 Bookclub! MennoMedia is starting the E3 book club to provide resources for pastors and church leaders. See attached description of the program with information on how to sign up.
Find MennoCon19 post-convention resources, including worship speaker videos and worship songs: convention.mennoniteusa.org/post-convention-resources.
4. At MennoCon19, delegates approved the addition of youth delegates and passed the Churchwide Statement on the Abuse of Child Migrants resolution. Catch up on our compiled MennoCon19 news, photos and highlights at mennoniteusa.org/kcsauce.
WDC Sprouts announcement guidelines: Announcements pertain to Western District Conference (WDC) ministries and churches, institutions with which WDC has formal relationships, and Mennonite Church USA agencies and ministries.
Western District Conference
2517 North Main, PO Box 306
North Newton KS 67117
316-283-6300; FAX: 316-283-0620
Email: wdc@mennowdc.org
Website: www.mennowdc.org