April 19, 2016
A weekly communication for:
WDC Churches and Pastors
WDC Executive Board, Commission, Committee and Task Force members
Any content may be used in bulletins and newsletters and
forwarded to congregational leaders and members.
WDC Sprouts is also available at: www.mennowdc.org (Publications)
WDC announcements
- The Camp Mennoscah Board of Directors invites you to a fundraising meal for the Kitchen/Dining Hall Renovation on April 23 at 5:30 pm in the Camp Mennoscah dining hall. There will be music by Book of JEBB and a meal of favorite camp foods served by the Board. Renovation plans will be available to preview and you can meet Jerry Kroeker, the new executive director. Please RSVP to 620-297-3014 (this phone number was listed incorrectly last week, note this correction) or office@campmennoscah.org.
- Early registration discount ends soon! Camp Mennoscah’s early registration discount for summer youth camps will end May 1. To receive this discount, just make sure that your campers are registered and full payment is made. Register online at www.campmennoscah.org! Contact us at 620-297-3290 with questions.
- Waiting for you! Camp Mennoscah has available weekends and weekdays for you to visit. Enjoy being with friends, play disc golf, wade in the river, go fishing, pull out those Rook or Dutch Blitz cards, and spend some time relaxing and having fun. (We think having fun and being with others are some great ways to connect with God.) Contact Camp Mennoscah at 620-297-3290 or office@campmennoscah.org to check dates and for further information. We’re ready to share Camp Mennoscah with you!
- Just a few more openings! Camp Mennoscah has just a few more openings for kitchen helpers for our summer youth camps. We’d love to have a couple more helpers for July 17-23 and July 24-29. No great skill needed, just the ability to follow directions and a love for camp. Parents receive a camper discount. Contact us at 620-297-3290 or office@campmennoscah.org.
Mennonite church announcements
- Hesston College seeks candidates for President. The ideal candidate for Hesston College’s next president will be an Anabaptist Christian committed to joining a local MCUSA congregation upon appointment. He/She will also hold a terminal degree (Ph.D.; Ed.D.; J.D.; D.Min.; etc.) and have leadership experience at a higher education institution.
Strengths. The president must be an imaginative innovator in higher education who seeks solutions from unusual places and voices, positioning Hesston as an attractive option for prospective students and potential faculty and staff. The president must be a collaborative leader who supports, inspires and empowers administrators, faculty and staff through thoughtful decision making processes. The president must possess an astute financial mindset, generating resources including fundraising for Hesston’s fiscal future while making tough decisions within the complex economic terrain of higher education.
Fit. The president must authentically engage a diverse body of communities with skillful, culturally-aware communication, increasing financial support, developing new partnerships and discovering new opportunities for campus engagement. The president must come to understand the challenges faced by a Midwestern Christian two-year college in order to guide Hesston through difficult economic, social and political terrain. The president must be an accessible “pastoral presence” as a committed Anabaptist Christian, for students, faculty and staff.
Motivation. The president feels called by God and a sense of purpose to fulfill this position. The president is energized by the relational, Christ-centered community of Hesston College and is inspired to further its mission and values. The president prioritizes student learning and development, nurturing interpersonal relationships in order to strengthen the Hesston College.
Experience. Search Process Nominations and/or letters of application with CV or resume may be submitted to Hesston College Presidential Search Committee at HC_SearchCom@MennoniteEducation.org; or through postal mail to: Hesston College, Presidential Search Committee, Mennonite Education Agency, 3145 Benham Avenue, Suite #2, Elkhart, IN 46517. Candidates from diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply. Hesston College is an equal opportunity employer.
- MCC needs your help! Each day this week there will be LOTS to do in the MCC Workroom in North Newton – blankets and comforters to fold and bale, kits to assemble and prepare for shipment and more! Call to schedule a time with Irma or just come in and share your time and talents with MCC. The workroom is open Monday-Friday 8am-12pm and 1pm-5pm, gather your friends and family to join you or come alone, stay for an hour or two or more. Come check out how the workroom is changing!
- Specific urgent needs at MCC: Not only do we need your help inside the MCC workroom, we also need the following items so we can pack and ship complete MCC kits:
– Adult-size toothbrushes (either individual or in 4-packs)
– 12 colored pencils (in packaging)
– Shampoo (13-24 oz. size bottles)
– Wide-tooth combs (6-8 inches)
– Fingernail clippers
Bring items to the MCC Center at 121 E. 30th in North Newton, KS 67117. Questions? Call 316-283-2720 or email irmagonzalez@mcc.org.
4, SWAP needs summer staff! Summer will be here before we know it, and Mennonite Central Committee’s Sharing With Appalachian People (SWAP) program is seeking summer staff for three month assignments in Kentucky and West Virginia. Job site coordinators utilize volunteer labor to accomplish quality home remodels/repairs, while meals coordinators plan balanced, nutritional meals for volunteers. Summer staff are a critical component of SWAP’s successful ministry, as they help facilitate the weekly SWAP service groups working on housing repair for low-income persons. Summer staff vary in age from 19 to 70+, and they receive meals, lodging and a weekly stipend for their service. For more information go to swap.mcc.org or call Angela at 606-633-5065.
- Lame Deer Project Needs – Lynn Miller, volunteer construction supervisor for the building of the new Everything Beautiful Thrift Store in Lame Deer Montana on the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation, is looking for 2-4 volunteers who can carry wood and swing a hammer during April 25 – May 13. Meals and beds for four in a nice log house behind the White River Cheyenne Mennonite church, bedding and towels are provided. Contact: lynnamiller@juno.com.
- Healthcare professionals, students, retirees! Registration deadline extended to April 30 for the Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship (MHF) 2016 Annual Gathering, June 17-19 at the YMCA of the Rockies, Estes Park, CO. Theme: “Wholeness and Holiness: Views from the Mountaintop.” Topics include the spirituality of illness, international healthcare, end of life ethics, public health, trauma, and gun violence. Vibrant worship, stimulating speakers, and a variety of workshops. Open to anyone interested, especially persons from medical, mental health, therapy, and chaplaincy professions, including students and retirees. Children and Youth Program provided. Register at www.mennohealth.org/gathering, email info@mennohealth.org, or call 1-888-406-3643.
- Job opening: Graphic/multimedia designer. Mennonite Church USA’s Executive Board staff is seeking a 0.75 to 1.0 FTE Graphic/multimedia designer. Location: Elkhart, Indiana; Newton, KS; or dispersed. The person in this role will serve as the primary graphic designer and videographer on the majority of Mennonite Church USA communication projects and initiatives; ensure the consistent use of the denomination’s visual identity guidelines; and work on various convention-related design projects. As an integral part of the Communications Team, the person in this role will work with the team on long-term vision, messaging and communications strategy. Applicants should have a bachelor’s degree in communication, graphic design or art, and be proficient in Adobe Creative Suite. At least five years of experience as a graphic or multimedia designer would be a plus. For a complete job description, see www.mennoniteusa.org/jobs. To apply, send a cover letter, resume, three to five design project samples and contact information for three references to: Janie Beck Kreider, director of communications, at janiebk@mennoniteusa.org
Western District Conference
2517 North Main, PO Box 306
North Newton KS 67117
316-283-6300; FAX: 316-283-0620
Email: wdc@mennowdc.org
Website: www.mennowdc.org