March 25, 2015

Zion holds congregational information session on polity

Pastor Ray Reimer of Zion Mennonite Church, Elbing, led a congregational information session on Conference/Denominational Polity on March 8. Attached is a survey for Zion members that uses elements of the Western District Conference Survey from 2014 and the recent Mennonite Church USA Delegate Survey in a compact form. The completing of the survey was educational for the members and the compiled results created a picture of the congregation’s diversity. Also attached is a thirteen-page instructional introduction to church polity with a timeline of recent events and actions regarding polity and human sexuality in Western District Conference and Mennonite Church USA. This is a valuable and concise summary for pastors and church leaders. Pastor Ray gives permission for its use and adaptation in informing your church’s members and your church’s delegates to upcoming Assemblies. Enjoy Ray’s informality and injections of wry humor.

-Clarence Rempel, Conference Minister

WDC SEEDS is a weekly communication for WDC churches announcing what’s new and good in Western District Conference. Please forward this to congregational members.  Pastors are invited to submit one paragraph summaries of kingdom initiatives that will encourage the networking of best practices across Western District Conference. WDC Seeds is also available at:  www.mennowdc.org.

Zion Polity Script

Polity Survey
Western District Conference

2517 North Main, PO Box 306

North Newton KS  67117

316-283-6300; FAX:  316-283-0620

Email:  wdc@mennowdc.org

Website:  www.mennowdc.org