WDC Recorded Sermon Archive

WDC churches are welcome to use any of these recorded sermons during your worship services. Sermons are all contributed from WDC ministers. Check back as more sermons will be added as they are available. We hope this is a helpful resource -WDC Resource Commission

WDC Recorded Sermon Archive YouTube Playlist:

Lectionary SubjectScriptureSermon TitlePreacherSermon Link
Passion Week/Palm SundayLuke 23: 1-49Tried, Condemned, Crucified–AloneNorma Duerksenhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkqQP2P_upA&list=PL6aO7e884ZT714hdDmOV1pnGjfqGXVjnm
Easter 4 Year BJohn 10:11-18The Good ShepherdNorma Duerksenhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4K4eYyhFnc&list=PL6aO7e884ZT714hdDmOV1pnGjfqGXVjnm&index=2
Pentecost 8 Year CLuke 12:16-21The God of the SuccessfulNorma Duerksenhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UY9iNm9xlM8&list=PL6aO7e884ZT714hdDmOV1pnGjfqGXVjnm&index=3
Epiphany 7 Year CGenesis 45:3-11 and Luke 5:27-38I Will Meet You ThereLuann Yutzyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gu3haXnkoRI&list=PL6aO7e884ZT714hdDmOV1pnGjfqGXVjnm&index=4
Epiphany 3 Year AActs 18:1-4 and I Corinthians 1:10-18Unity, Whether You Like It or NotDerek Kinghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVDN4dfs-LY