-June 2 – Pray for the WDC Annual Assembly planning team, as they prepare for our annual conference gathering August 2-4 at First Mennonite Church in Beatrice, NE on the theme Nos Transformamos en Comunidad / In Community We Transform.

-June 9 – Pray for God’s guidance and wisdom for WDC pastors and congregations who are concluding ministry relationships or beginning a new season of ministry together.

-June 16 – Pray for WDC congregations recovering from damage from storms, that they would experience God’s presence and strength and also be a witness of caring and compassion in their community.

-June 23 – Pray for the WDC Gifts Discernment Committee, as they discern nominees for new leadership positions to be elected at WDC annual assembly.

-June 30 – We are in the middle of the year 2024 and let’s pray that the rest of the year, His presence will shine upon us. Let’s pray that God will open doors for us and witness the moving of His holy Spirit, whispering to our inner being the desires of God, so that we may arise and move. “Revive your work in the midst of the ages” said Habakkuk. All this we ask as the WDC Church Planting Commission, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

-June 30 – Estamos a mediados del año 2024, y pedimos que el resto del año brille sobre nosotros Su presencia. Oramos que Dios nos abras puertas, y presenciar el mover de su santo Espíritu, susurrando a nuestro interior los deseos de Dios, para así levantarnos y movernos.  “aviva tu obra en medio de los tiempos” dijo Habacuc.  Todo esto lo pedimos como CPC en el nombre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Amén.