Church planting. Revitalizing congregations. Fostering relationships with emerging Anabaptist/Mennonite groups. These are the priorities and vision giving shape to the new strategic plan created by the WDC Church Planting Commission. Initiatives sparked by the strategic plan are intended to engage the whole conference as we witness, dwell and connect in mission.

The strategic plan is organized around 5 Focus Areas, each with their own set of hopes, goals, initiatives, and plans for evaluation. The 5 Focus Areas, with a snapshot of the hopes energizing them, are:

  1.  Plant churches: Our hopes include initiating 2 new church plant projects each year, and to establish realistic plans appropriate to each new church planting context to best support fruitful development.
  • Empower Anabaptist church planters’ development through ongoing training and support:  Our hopes include providing resources and training for local church leaders and church planters, including creating a Church Planter’s practical reference guide.
  • Strengthen communication and partnerships with WDC congregations around the mission and vision of the Church Planting Commission:  Our hopes include leaders in every WDC congregation gaining a clear idea of who the CPC is, what we do, and how they can be involved and supportive.
  • Encourage all WDC congregations (established and new) to be alert to unique opportunities and assets supporting church planting projects in their own church or community:  Our hopes include that WDC congregations are empowered to explore initiatives energizing and promoting the mission and vision of Jesus’ Kingdom of God.
  • Make connections with communities and individuals who would feel at home in Anabaptism: Our hopes include being open to receive and support emerging church plants, and to connect with those seeking an Anabaptist home.

We invite you to join us in mission!  Contact Associate Conference Minister Sandra Montes-Martinez with your questions or ideas ( Find out more about the Church Planting Commission on our website (

February 2022