May 14, 2013
A weekly communication for:
WDC Churches and Pastors
WDC Executive Board, Commission, Committee and Task Force members
Any content may be used in bulletins and newsletters and forwarded to congregational leaders and members.
WDC Sprouts is also available at: www.mennowdc.org (Publications)
*Pastoral Openings
*News and Transitions
Pastoral Openings
Congregational Information Forms (CIF) can be viewed at: www.mennowdc.org (Pastoral Openings)
Eden Mennonite Church, Moundridge, KS – Associate Pastor
Kingman Mennonite Church, Kingman, KS – Youth Pastor (1/2 time)
Grace Mennonite Church, Enid, OK – Pastor
First Mennonite Church, Hutchinson, KS – Associate Pastor (1/2 time)
Trinity Mennonite Church, Hillsboro, KS – Youth/Young Adult Pastor
Buhler Mennonite Church, KS – Transitional Pastor (No CIF)
Hope Mennonite Church, Wichita, KS – Supply Pastor (No CIF)
Shalom Mennonite Church, Newton, KS – Transitional Pastor (No CIF)
News and Transitions
Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary – Great Plains staff changes: Lois Barrett ends her position as Director on June 30. After a six-month sabbatical, she will continue in a teaching role only. Dorothy Nickel Friesen will begin as part-time Interim Director on July 1. Elizabeth Raid will end her position as Recruitment Associate on June 30.
Bob Beecher will begin as pastor at Beatrice (NE) Mennonite Church on June 1.
Bergthal Mennonite Church, Pawnee Rock, KS, will have a Memorial Celebration on May 26, in anticipation of closing the church this summer. All are invited to coffee hour at 9:30, morning worship at 10:30, potluck dinner at noon, afternoon program at 1:30, and desserts and coffee at 4:30. Call Pastor Lynn Schlosser for more information: 620-282-0774.
Lou Gomez and Elizabeth Raid have accepted a full-time position as Campus Pastor at Mennonite Friendship Manor in Hutchinson, KS. Lou continues as half-time pastor at Calvary Mennonite Church in Liberal, KS.
Brian Harmon will begin as pastor at First Mennonite Church in Halstead, KS on July 1.
Amanda Rempel will end her ministry at Bethel Mennonite Church, Inman, KS on July 11.
Congratulations to Tonya Ramer Wenger (Pastor at First Mennonite Church, Hutchinson, KS) and her husband Jonathan on the birth of Joanna Hope on April 29.
WDC Announcements
1. Oh wow! Check this out! Go to yearofthebiblenetwork.org, follow the “study it” and “memorize it” links, and find out how you can select the Bible verses you want to memorize, print scripture memory cards, and download App’s. Has been known to be ridiculously fun for all ages. Check it out at www.scripturetyper.com.
2. Thank You and Welcome! Camp Mennoscah extends a huge, mega-sized Thank You to Mike Albright for the time he spent as our Maintenance Coordinator. We wish him the best of all good things in all that his future holds. We also offer a warm (soon to be hot) Camp Mennoscah welcome to Gardell Stucky, our new Campus and Facilities Director. Gardell will begin full-time later this month. Tell Mike and Gardell “thank you” and “welcome” when you see them next. Camp Mennoscah wouldn’t be any fun without someone to fix the toilets.
3. Want to share a meal? Camp Mennoscah is looking for folks or groups who would be willing to provide a simple meal for 10 summer staffers during our orientation week, June 3-8. Each meal provided gives staff approximately 1 hour more to cover orientation materials and prepare for all those wonderful youth campers! Contact us at campmno@mennowdc.org or 620-297-3290.
4. Who will put the Bandaids on? We know there are gobs of amazing nurses out there who would be great camp nurses. We’re just looking for two–one for the week of July 14-20 and one for July 21-27. Nurses receive a stipend or a camper discount–and a free tee shirt! You couldn’t ask for more. Contact us at 620-297-3290 or campmno@mennowdc.org to become a camp hero. (Kitchen staff also still needed, give us a holler.)
5. Wishing…Camp Mennoscah is so beloved and so well visited that we always have items that we need. Some items are: matching pairs of twin comforters, non-skid floor mats (for bedrooms and bathrooms), large tea towels, 3-5 night lights with sensors, counter brushes, and sturdy plastic dust pans. If you’d like to enhance someone’s experience at Camp Mennoscah by providing any of these items, items can be dropped off at Camp Mennoscah at your next visit or a check sent. Please mark all donations either “wish list” for general donations or with the specific item. Your generosity makes all our wishes come true!
6. Message from Pat Cameron of Mennonite Church of the Servant, Wichita, KS: A bill for comprehensive immigration reform has been introduced in the U. S. Senate. Now is a crucial time for people concerned about immigration reform to let their voices be heard. Last week, Jerry Truex and I met with Shannon Bade, Immigration Organizer for Sunflower Community Action. Shannon will present an update on the immigration reform bill (see summary attachment) and action steps that Mennonites and others can take to make a difference. This meeting will be on Tuesday, March 21, 5:30-7:00 p.m. at Hope Mennonite Church 868 N. Maize Rd in Wichita. Light snacks and beverages will be provided. Please invite others in your networks who are concerned about immigrants and immigration reform. See the attached flier to help you promote this opportunity. If you have questions, you can call Pat at 316-371-8274 or Jerry at 316-263-0204/
Kansas Announcements
1. Time Will Tell, a Music Drama based on Acts will be performed at the Lorraine Avenue Mennonite Church (655 S. Lorraine, Wichita) on Pentecost Sunday, May 19 at the 9:30 a.m. worship service. Harold Moyer and Jim Juhnke, professors at Bethel College, created this drama in 1982. The Hesston College Choir first performed the work at a joint meeting of Western District Conference and South Central Conference. Mennonite choirs in Canada and the United States have sung this work. For the LAMC performance, Vern Zielke is the choir director and Janet Kaufman the drama director. All are welcome to attend!
2. Please bring Boxtops and Labels to Whitestone Mennonite Church in Hesston or Western District Conference office in North Newton by Friday, May 24 to be taken to Hopi Mission School.
Western District Conference
2517 North Main, PO Box 306
North Newton KS 67117
316-283-6300; FAX: 316-283-0620
Email: wdc@mennowdc.org
Website: www.mennowdc.org