January 14, 2014

A weekly communication for:

WDC Churches and Pastors

WDC Executive Board, Commission, Committee and Task Force members

Any content may be used in bulletins and newsletters and forwarded to congregational leaders and members.

WDC Sprouts is also available at:  www.mennowdc.org (Publications)


*Pastoral Openings
*News and Transitions

Pastoral Openings

Congregational Information Forms can be viewed at:  www.mennowdc.org (Pastoral Openings)

Hope Mennonite Church, Wichita, KS – Pastor

News and Transitions

Derek King will begin as Associate Pastor at Eden Mennonite Church, Moundridge, KS, on February 1.

Congratulations to Laura Neufeld, pastor of First Mennonite Church of Christian, Moundridge, KS, upon her marriage to John Goerzen on December 28 at the Tabor Mennonite Church, Newton, KS.

Randy Smith will spend six months (February – July) as Interim Pastor at his home church, First Mennonite Church of Wadsworth OH.
WDC Announcements

1.  Agri-Urban invites all of its supporters and interested people to an appreciation dinner on February 1 at 6:00 p.m. in the Eden Mennonite Church Fellowship Hall, 4 miles west and 2 miles north of Moundridge, KS. No reservations are necessary just come and enjoy a good meal.

2.  Pastors and worship planners – call WDC (316-283-6300) TODAY for the Lent Worship Planner to be held this Saturday, Jan. 18 from 9:30-11:30 am at Tabor Mennonite Church.  Bring your Leader magazine, come ready to share ideas.

3.  All Pastor Mentors and Mentees are invited to a two-hour resourcing event introducing a guide for engaging the six pastoral competencies, “Growing in Ministry Journey.” You can choose either Thursday, March 13, 3 PM, or Tuesday, April 8, 8:30 AM. Register your attendance with Nancy Funk (wdc@mennowdc.org, 316-283-6300).

4.  Save the Date!  WDC Pastor/Spouse Retreat – April 25-27 at Camp Mennoscah.  More details to come.

5.  A Year of the Bible Opportunity: John D. Roth, professor of history at Goshen College, will be teaching and preaching at First Mennonite Church, Newton, on February 1 and 2. On Saturday, February 1, there will be teaching and discussion of “Testing the Spirits: Why the Reformation Debate over the Bible Still Matters Today.” A brunch will be provided. On Sunday morning, Roth will preach a sermon entitled, “By Whose Authority? Witnessing to the Living Word in a Skeptical World.” You are invited to either session or both. (If you plan to attend the brunch, please RSVP to the church office so we know how to plan – 316-283-0273.)

Western District Conference

2517 North Main, PO Box 306

North Newton KS  67117

316-283-6300; FAX:  316-283-0620

Email:  wdc@mennowdc.org

Website:  www.mennowdc.org