September 11, 2013
Tithe Demonstration Sunday
How do you increase the joy of generosity, and, in a non-heavy way, encourage tithing? Alexanderwohl, of Goessel, KS, recently tried something called a Tithe Demonstration Sunday. We invited everyone who called Alexanderwohl their church home to give one week’s tithe (10% of that week’s gross income) on one particular Sunday. Kids were invited to tithe on their allowance, teens and adults on their earnings. Those giving electronically were asked to put a slip of paper in the offering plate saying how much they gave. Those unable to attend were asked to mail it in or drop it by the church before Sunday. We tried to make it a fun adventure. For example, we had people guess what they thought the offering total was going to be. (Previous year’s totals for that Sunday were provided.) These guesses were reported back to the congregation in a graph form. A sermon included the pastor’s testimony on the profound difference tithing made in his family’s life. On the tithe demonstration Sunday, the total was counted during the service and reported toward the end of the sermon. The total was double our usual offering. This amount multiplied times 52 weeks shows our potential. What does it all mean? We’re sorting that out by asking questions like: “What did the Spirit speak to you through this experience?” and “What do you think the Spirit is speaking to our church?” (These questions were put in later bulletins, and on the Church Council agenda.) Responses are coming in!
–submitted by Pastor Steve Schmidt, alexsteve@mtelco.net, 620-367-8192
Alexanderwohl Mennonite Church, Goessel, KS
WDC SEEDS is a weekly communication for WDC churches announcing what’s new and good in Western District Conference. Please forward this to congregational members. Pastors are invited to submit one paragraph summaries of kingdom initiatives that will encourage the networking of best practices across Western District Conference. WDC Seeds is also available at: www.mennowdc.org.
Western District Conference
2517 North Main, PO Box 306
North Newton KS 67117
316-283-6300; FAX: 316-283-0620
Email: wdc@mennowdc.org
Website: www.mennowdc.org