July 16, 2014
Celebrate all of Holy Week on one Sunday Morning!? Why not!?
At Tabor Mennonite Church, we’re journeying through the New Testament this summer to conclude our Year of the Bible. During the month of June, we focused on Jesus’ life and ministry as presented in the four Gospels. Then on July 6 we re-experienced Holy Week during our morning worship service.
– Walking on cloaks, Jesus entered our sanctuary with his disciples waving palm branches.
– Jesus shared the last supper with all of us.
– Jesus took up the cross and carried it out of our darkened sanctuary.
– When the lights came on again, the resurrected Jesus appeared in our midst and sent his disciples out with the Great Commission!
This Holy Week story changed the world, and it was powerful to re-experience it together as a worshiping community. But this is not simply a story to be told. This is a story to live out in our everyday lives. Jesus still lives today, and Jesus still sends us out to spread the Good News!
–submitted by Pastor Phil Schmidt (pschmidt@tabormennonite.org; 620-367-2318)
Tabor Mennonite Church, Newton, KS
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North Newton KS 67117
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