January 8, 2014
Mortgate Reduction Campaign
Shalom Mennonite Church in Newton, Kansas, embarked on a Mortgage Reduction Campaign on its building loan. Four households put up $26,000 as a challenge to the congregation to raise $100,000 to reduce the mortgage debt. One objective was to make more of the budget funds available to carry out other programs and missions of the church. The campaign was a 12 week campaign to conclude with our 25th Anniversary celebration in November. We also refinanced the loan at a lower interest rate.
Persons were encouraged to write paragraphs for our church paper on their motivation for giving. They also wrote about creative ways persons and families generated the funds they donated. One notable effort was the Senior High Youth Group that sold t-shirts for our 25th Anniversary celebration and donated the proceeds toward the debt reduction: $818! We were able to raise $89,700 all together and have closed on our new loan. The mortgage payments went from $4100 to $2200 per month.
–submitted by Edna Otto, Campaign Chair
Shalom Mennonite Church, Newton, KS
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Western District Conference
2517 North Main, PO Box 306
North Newton KS 67117
316-283-6300; FAX: 316-283-0620
Email: wdc@mennowdc.org
Website: www.mennowdc.org