December 18, 2013

Advent Worship Visual

Each morning, I open the door to the sanctuary at New Creation Fellowship Church to encounter this painting by our own George Krievins. It draws forth awe and wonder in me, and I find I am waiting with expectancy. Last week, shepherds and sheep and crops appeared. What will I find next? I am grateful for art that sets the table for me to enter our Advent theme of Dwelling in the Mystery.

The artist is also including a short reflection and questions for contemplating the images as the panels are transformed each week. The image is from the first week of Advent. This is the reflection George shared with us.

“The five panels at the front of the sanctuary are a visual representation of heaven and earth. The heavens arching down symbolize the Creator’s longing for relationship with his creation, and the earth arching upwards symbolizes the reciprocal longing of mankind. The patterns on the land echo the mile roads and fields of the Midwest, placing us in the center of this cosmic tension.”
New Creation Christmas 2013
Our congregation has received this transforming art as a centering force as we sit in times of silence during our worship shaped by Dwelling in the Mystery. The paintings hold space for mystery as we await the birth of Christ in each of our lives.

     –submitted by Renee Kanagy, ncfcnewton@gmail.com; 316-283-1363

          New Creation Fellowship Church, Newton, KS


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Western District Conference

2517 North Main, PO Box 306

North Newton KS  67117

316-283-6300; FAX:  316-283-0620

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