April 16, 2014
Southern Hills Mennonite Church, Topeka, KS, enjoyed their first-ever Bible Festival on March 23. A lovely and delicious Bible foods meal, including lentil and barley dishes, cucumbers and yogurt, vegetable salads, bread and fruit, cheese, olives, almonds, as well as carob desserts and baklava were savored! A Bible Quiz Tournament followed the meal, with eight teams competing. There was group singing, with solos and instrumentalists adding beauty and depth, and a circle of dancers waving scripture wrist flags which had been created at an activity center. Other activities included face painting, Scripture doodles, and word puzzle activity sheets. A large diorama, representing the Samaritan woman meeting Jesus at the well was on display. Sara Wenger Shenk, President of Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary, identified ways that AMBS encourages life-giving engagement with Scripture. The afternoon ended with a scriptural blessing.
–submitted by Associate Pastor Cynthia Neufeld Smith (cynthiashmc@networksplus.net, 785-266-9403)
Southern Hills Mennonite Church, Topeka, KS
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Western District Conference
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North Newton KS 67117
316-283-6300; FAX: 316-283-0620
Email: wdc@mennowdc.org
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