February 20, 2013


A few years ago, a couple in our congregation who spent several months working in Guatemala told us about Nuevo Amanecer, which means “new dawn” in Spanish. It is a women’s collective of 16 families in Panabaj, Guatemala, who are sole supporters of their children. Several years ago, a terrible mudslide killed many men in the village and the women taught themselves how to do beadwork as a way to survive. Nuevo Amanecer is too small to sell regularly through Ten Thousand Villages and other retailers, so the Peace Mennonite Church Peace and Justice Committee works to help them find a market in our community. Currently we sell most of the beadwork during two annual events: a Sidewalk Sale in July and a Fair Trade Market over the week after Thanksgiving, but we are on the lookout for more opportunities. Most of our profits go into new orders but we also donate some to a women’s organization working against violence in Guatemala. Guatemala ranks in the top five in the world for violent deaths and women are especially at risk. Partnering with the women of Nuevo Amanacer is one way that we follow in the way of Jesus, working with God for greater peace and justice in our world.

            –submitted by Joanna Harader, Pastor, Peace Mennonite Church, Lawrence, KS

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