by Kathy Neufeld Dunn, Associate Conference Minister (KS-based)

Are you desperate for a new Christmas Bible series for your Sunday School class?  Are you wondering what interesting stewardship study ideas might be available for your older adults in January or February?  Are you coming up dry with creative, contemplative prayer practices for young adults in your congregation?  Go to the Anabaptist Faith Formation website at  This is “a one-stop hub for Anabaptist faith formation resources and curriculum for all ages.”  There are links to so many wonderful, Anabaptist Christian resources.  If you are like me, I come up with a basic idea for a study group, then I do an online search and the search engine gives me a huge list of articles on “Jonah” or “Jerusalem.”  Then it’s up to me to discern which of these integrate well with or enhance our Anabaptist Christian faith development and which don’t.  All internet resources are not created equal.  When you go to Anabaptist Faith Formation website, you can be assured that all of the materials listed are “curated by Anabaptists.”  Not all of the resources are created by Anabaptists, but they are all reviewed by Anabaptist scholars, pastors, and Christian educators.  It’s a great place to begin your search for solid, thoughtful, creative faith formation ideas for people in your congregation.

The other wonderful thing about this website is any of us who have used or created new resources in our congregations and conferences that were well-received can submit them, so others can enjoy them, too.  Please hit the “submission” button freely and often with links to where to purchase the DVD or the link for where to find free online resources.  If you have questions about using the website, please contact me at

The more we use the Anabaptist Faith Formation website, the more rich this resource will become.  After all, it is for us and by us!