Resources for how to be church together during a (continuing) pandemic:

1. “What Now? Leading Churches through Covid” is a collection of “Practical resources for pastors as they navigate the particularities of regathering the people of God” from MennoMedia.

. Topics include faith formation, polarization and defusing it, appropriate rituals, leadership during difficult times, worship forms, and more. Here’s the link:

2. Crowd-Sourcing our best ideas as WDC leaders: Fill out the following Google formCrowd-Sourcing: Church Ideas that Work during Covid by 9/30/21, share your best ideas for worship, leadership, faith formation, special events and more during Covid, and the Resource Commission will share your ideas on our WDC website, our Facebook page, and in other ways. We want to help you help each other during these continued challenging times. A Spanish version of the Google form is coming next Tuesday, September 21.