New Beginnings

by Jennie Wintermote, Director, Conference Resource Library

Across the sanctuary I heard the sound of knees hitting the floor with gentle thumps and thuds.  I looked up to see the question in the eyes of my 2-year-old as her Daddy explained that we were praying.  But we weren’t just praying, we were confessing to God the ways we have failed to live the Shalom life He calls us to.  It has been tradition for generations at First Mennonite Church in Newton, KS to include kneeling prayer as a part of the Communion service. While not a part of church tradition in the congregation where I was raised, I am drawn to this fading tradition linking me to past generations of the faithful.  The physical action signals to my body that there is something different happening during that time.  As I bowed my head, I found myself confessing my actions and inaction leading to brokenness, and rising with the assurance that by Christ’s life and death and I can begin anew.  Praise the Lord!

In this month of new beginnings, it was a rich blessing to celebrate Communion on the first Sunday of the new year.  As we begin a new year, we are reminded of the new creation we are in Christ.  I wonder how we all might seek God more faithfully in the new year.  What goals or resolutions might we set in our spiritual lives?  To spend more time in prayer?  Joining a small group or Bible study?  Making time and space to talk to children in our lives about faith?  Exploring new spiritual practices to see what might be life-giving?

If you’re looking for a place to start with a goal or resolution like this, we’ve got great resources to help you!  Contact Jennie at the Conference Resource Library for ideas at or 316-283-6300 or simply stop by!

In order to encourage you as you seek God this year, the library is giving away 3 copies of The Story: The Bible as One Continuing Story of God and His People (Selections from the NIV).  Each copy will have the Participant’s Guide (31 sessions) by Randy Frazee.  Enter to win a copy by emailing or leaving a comment on the “New Beginnings” post on the WDC facebook page.  Names will be drawn on January 13.