October 22, 2016 (9 am – 3 pm)
Iglesia Luz del Evangelio,
1524 Dowdy Ferry Rd.
Dallas Texas
“Held Together in Mission:
Being Church in the Urban context”
- Scripture reflections by Lois Barrett, Professor of Theology and Anabaptist Studies at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary
- Storytelling from urban congregations in WDC.
- Table conversation: How do you define ‘urban?’ How is your congregation and WDC impacted by urban realities? Where is God at work in the city? What is your vision for the urban church? What gifts do urban congregations offer to WDC and the wider church? How can urban and rural congregations learn from each other as partners in God’s mission
- Lunch included, with freewill contribution encouraged help cover expenses