April 3, 2018
A weekly communication for:
WDC Churches and Pastors
WDC Executive Board, Commission, Committee and Task Force members
Any content may be used in bulletins and newsletters and forwarded to congregational leaders and members.
WDC Sprouts is also available at: www.mennowdc.org (Publications)
*Sharing the Easter Faith
Sharing the Easter Faith
by Jennie Wintermote, Resource Library Director
In February I started thinking about the approaching Lent/Easter season, and how we’d observe this holy season with our daughter. Last year she experienced her first morning home from the hospital Easter morning. After 16 days in the hospital, it was a day filled with indescribable joy in the God of miracles. A year later, she’s active, alert, and taking in the world around her in new ways every day. What can we (and the church) teach her about the Easter faith and the God of miracles?
Really, this question isn’t unique…or shouldn’t be. Shouldn’t we always be asking how we can share the Easter faith with those near and dear to us? And asking how can we share it with those we see every day? Those we live with and work with? Those we see in the yard, down the street, and on the bus?
Carolyn C. Brown writes in Sharing the Easter Faith with Children that for “adults Easter means life after death and new life now” but for children the Good News takes on different and more concrete meanings. It’s Good News that God is more powerful than any “bad guy” and that Jesus is with us always. It is our job–as parents, neighbors, as friends–to consider the Good News of our Easter faith and to tell “the stories in ways that are Good News [to the listener] where they are and, in the process, lay the foundations for growing understanding and deepening faith.”
So, think about it, talk about it, and read about it. What is your Easter faith and how do you share it with those around you?
If you need a place to start or a way to deepen your understand, check out Brown’s book or one of the hundreds of other books, DVDs, and more at the Resource Library! Stop by or contact the library to request items mailed to you. The library is located at 2517 N. Main in North Newton, KS. (316)283-6300 or crlib@mennowdc.org
WDC announcements
Youth Pastors/Sponsors/Leaders: The WDC/South Central Conference Youth Ministry Committee is offering scholarships to assist with registration expenses for youth pastors/sponsors and leaders to attend “The Gathering Live 2018” sponsored by Mennonite Church USA in downtown Kansas City, May 4-6! This gathering is open to all youth ministry leaders and anyone who cares about faith formation. To apply for a scholarship, contact Dwight Regier, Bi-Conference Youth Ministry Network Team Leader, at dwightr@mennodwc.org. More information and registration on The Gathering Live 2018 is here .
Camp Mennoscah announcements
- Summer Staff 2018! These are your Camp Mennoscah summer staffers! Addie Regier, Anna Lubbers, Carley Sullivan, Lizzie Schrag, Hannah Unruh, Jeff Kauffman, Justen Schroeder, Roxy Gehring, and Sarah Booth will be filling the nine positions, many sharing responsibilities. We’re so excited to have these folks joining us! Check out Facebook for more information.
- There will be doughnuts! Camp Mennoscah will be preparing the new kitchen for use this weekend, April 6-8. It’s going to be one big party (with cleaning rags and vacuums)! Olivia will work with people whenever they are able to come, whether you are an early riser or late nighter. Stay overnight and bring your friends. We’ll turn up the music or conversation and eat sugar until our brains pop. Call us at 620-297-3290or text Olivia at 316-293-7313 to let us know when you are coming.
- Dam going in at Camp Mennoscah! This annual event will happening on April 8 at 2pm-ish. You can watch or help–just be prepared for whatever weather there is. Call 620-297-3290for more information.
- Camp Mennoscah will give the following items to the person with the highest offer: two upright freezers, the stove/griddle with 2 convection ovens, and the double-decker conventional oven. As is and you are responsible for transporting the item(s). Contact us at 620-297-3290or office@campmennoscah.org to make an offer or get an update on the current bid. Pictures will be on Facebook shortly.
- Men and Boys Retreat is April 20-22 at Camp Mennoscah. This retreat for all ages of men and boys requires no pre-registration. Lodging options include the cabins, staff houses, tents, bringing an RV, or just sleeping under the stars, available on a first come, first served basis. The optional meals available are Saturday supper through Sunday lunch, and will cost about $6.00 apiece. Activities include fishing, canoeing, horseshoes, basketball, ping pong, walking trails, or just relaxing. Adam Voth Unruh will be our speaker on Sunday and will be sharing about “Trusting God on your faith journey.” For questions about the retreat please contact Kevin Neufeld at 316-322-5515or kevinneufeld2@gmail.com.
- Events coming up at Camp Mennoscah! After Men & Boys Retreat on April 20-22, we’ve got Retirees Retreat, April 23-25, and summer youth camps all summer. Register at campmennoscah.orgor call 620-297-3290 for more information. Bring a friend!
- “Rebuilding the Whale!” Camp Mennoscah plans to start construction of the new playground, “The Whale,” in mid-April, and we’ll be looking for volunteers to come out and help! Stay tuned to your church bulletins, e-mail, and social media for the types of work we’ll be doing, dates, and times. With your help, we’ll have it ready to go for summer youth camps!
- Share Camp! This past summer, campers sang quietly at campfire with the summer staff leading music at the beginning of the camp week. The last night, they sang the same songs joyously at the top of their lungs. This change related by a summer staffer is the growth we want to see in a camper’s faith and friendships. In 2017, over $4000 in scholarship funds were given to 50 campers to help them attend camp. This year Camp Mennoscah expects a similar number of scholarship requests, but we have only 1/3 of the funds that we did in 2017. We are looking for donors to help us share the growth experienced at Camp Mennoscah with more campers. Please consider your experiences at camp and give generously! Send gifts to Camp Mennoscah marked Scholarships or give online at campmennoscah.org/how-to-help/donate.
- New Kitchen Dedication! Camp Mennoscah will be dedicating the new kitchen on April 22 at 2:30pm (after Men and Boys Retreat). You’ll have a chance to walk through the new space and staff will be on hand to answer questions. More information soon!
Mennonite church announcements
Take the plunge into a year of exploration, discipleship, and service with Journey International. We are currently accepting applications to join the work of the local church in England, Indonesia, and Tanzania. For more information, visit www.MennoniteMission.net/JourneyInternational or contact John Murray at JohnM@MennoniteMission.netWDC Sprouts announcement guidelines: Announcements should pertain to Western District Conference (WDC) ministries and churches, institutions with which WDC has formal relationships, and Mennonite Church USA agencies and ministries.
Western District Conference
2517 North Main, PO Box 306
North Newton KS 67117
316-283-6300; FAX: 316-283-0620
Email: wdc@mennowdc.org
Website: www.mennowdc.org