Welcome to Texas where “Big things happen here.”

It will be a blessing to have you in Arlington, Texas, during our Annual Assembly and as we gather as pilgrims on a journey of faith and seeking God’s presence.

The Assembly focus is Rooted and Built Up in Christ (Colossians 2:6-7), also the theme for WDC’s 125th anniversary which will be celebrated at Assembly with a readers’ theater presentation and a timeline of WDC historical highlights.

“Rooted and Built up” was an invitation to the Colossian community to reflect on their commitment of faith in Christ and as part of their communal life shaped by the very same faith that was initially handed down to them.

Rooted as a tree, sending down strong roots into the soil from the corners of Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. Built up as house, taking shape in a gradual construction within a multicultural and diverse setting. In addition, the Pauline text cautions that believing in Christ should be reflected in living.

As we journey together the way of the “Via Christi” and as the gathered Body of Christ, we are invited to worship services, workshops, delegate sessions and fellowship during our Western District Conference Annual Assembly.

This blessed gathering will start on Friday evening with dinner and worship, and it conclude with Sunday morning worship.

On Saturday evening, assembly participants will have opportunity to enjoy a family-friendly festival of food, music and fellowship hosted by Dallas-area congregations at Iglesia Luz del Evangelio, or to visit other area attractions.

Come, worship God and enjoy Christian fellowship!

                    —Byron Peller, WDC Associate Conference Minister (Texas-Based)


Friday, August 4, 2017

3:30 pm             Registration & Check-in

5:30                    Welcome Dinner or Pastor Appreciation Dinner

7:00                    Worship

9:00                    Fellowship

Saturday, August 5, 2017

7:00 am Breakfast Buffet

8:30 Delegate Meeting (Worship, introductions, table conversations, reports from conference minister and commissions, board and commission elections, 2017 financial report and approval of 2018 budget, congregation membership transitions, other business)

12:00 pm Lunch or Women’s Lunch

1:30 Workshop Session 1 (50 minutes)

2:30 Workshop Session 2 (50 minutes)

3:30 Workshop Session 3 (50 minutes)

5:00 Departure for Mini-Festival or Leisure time to visit area attractions

6:00 Mini Festival (includes dinner) at:  Iglesia Luz del Evangelio, 1524 Dowdy Ferry Rd, Dallas

Sunday, August 6, 2017

8:00 am Breakfast

9:30 Worship

11:00 Check out

All events (unless otherwise noted) will take place at:  Doubletree Hotel Arlington DFW South, 1507 North Watson Rd, Arlington, TX


Heidi Regier Kreider, WDC Conference Minister, will preach on Friday evening.

John Garland, Pastor at San Antonio Mennonite Church, will preach on Sunday morning.


  • Managing Cultural Transitions
  • Responding after the Future Church Summit
  • A People of Two Kingdoms II
  • Genealogy, Tracing Your Historical & Spiritual Roots
  • WDC History/Congregational Storytelling
  • The Upside Down King Curriculum
  • Church Planting, the Mission, Ministry & Process
  • Jesus, the Immigrant on the Border
  • The St. John’s Bible and its Art
  • Christian, Jewish and Muslim Relationships in our Troubling Times
  • Financial Planning for Responsible Stewardship

Things to note:

  • Information and registration materials will be sent to churches in early June. All information, including online registration will also be available at:  https://mennowdc.org/annual-assembly/#2017annualAssembly
  • Registration fee includes Friday dinner, Saturday breakfast, lunch, dinner, and Sunday breakfast

$185—Adult      $53—Child (through 5th grade)

  • Lodging—make your own reservations at the Doubletree Hotel Arlington DFW South by calling 1-800-HILTONS; ask for the “Mennonite Western District Conference” group rate ($109 per night). Group rate is available until July 14.
  • Childcare provided for infants through grade 5
  • Offerings during the Friday evening and Sunday morning worship services and donations at the Saturday evening festival dinner will go to WDC church planting.
  • Scholarships for those with financial need—available upon request.