Electronic Funds Transfer

Firstfruits Direct Giving is an electronic funds transfer service that provides an efficient alternative to traditional giving methods. Contributors complete a simple Authorization Form, designating the amount and frequency for automatic debit of their bank account to be credited to the WDC account. You will be able to specify on the authorization form whether you want your donation to be credited to the WDC general budget or to the Vision 2012 campaign. The Authorization Form can also be used to change your donation (amount, date or bank) or to discontinue your donation.

Return Authorization Form to the Western District office: PO Box 306, North Newton, KS 67117 or fax to 316-283-0620


  • No checks to process
  • Less work for office staff
  • Consistent donations
  • Convenience for members
  • Easier budgeting for members
  • Efficient maintenance of stewardship commitments

Vanco Services, a financial technology company providing electronic funds transfer services for over 6,000 churches in the US, is the approved provider for Mennonite Church USA’s Firstfruits Direct Giving program.