September 25, 2013
Acoustic Tiles
The acoustics in the Fellowship Hall at Trinity Mennonite Church in Hillsboro (KS) has been an issue since the building was constructed in the 1960’s. Members complained about not being able to hear well and that even with microphones, a speaker’s words were difficult to understand. Therefore, the fellowship hall has been mainly used for meals when, with better acoustics, it would have been a great space for many other activities.
The trustees have struggled with trying to find solutions. Carpet being placed over the tile floor only made a small difference. This spring an expert was brought in to do tests and make suggestions on ways to improve the acoustics. The solution was found in hanging 1 1/2 inch acoustic tiles from the ceiling (see attached picture). Hung on 3 levels, these tiles block the sound from being reflected back and forth across the room. The difference these tiles have made is incredible and the congregation will celebrate by holding their World Communion Sunday service in the fellowship hall instead of the sanctuary on October 6.
–submitted by Pastor Jeff Wintermote, jeffmote@yahoo.com; 620-947-3824
Trinity Mennonite Church, Hillsboro, KS
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Western District Conference
2517 North Main, PO Box 306
North Newton KS 67117
316-283-6300; FAX: 316-283-0620
Email: wdc@mennowdc.org
Website: www.mennowdc.org