June 26, 2013
Bible Memory Program
Approximately 50 kids (grades 2-12) from Whitestone Mennonite Church* and its Wednesday night program (Whitestone On Wednesday, or WOW), in Hesston, Kansas, participated in the Bible Memory Program for the 2012-2013 school year. This is the first year Whitestone has held the Bible Memory Program. Participants worked on memorizing Bible verses, and of those 50 kids, approximately 20 of them worked on Bible lessons/puzzles/games to better help them learn the Word. In all, approximately 1,060 verses were memorized by the kids, and about 80 Bible lessons were completed. Two kids decided to attend Bible Memory Camp in Oklahoma in June, and had a wonderful time, along with the adult director, Christy Berkey Pickerill, who went as a counselor for the elementary-age camp.
The generosity of Sunday school classes and committees helped make the program a reality for Whitestone kids through sponsorship and scholarships, as well as the adults and young people at Whitestone who pitched in to make the program a success. If the same level of support is available, the program will repeated for the 2013-14 school year.
*Whitestone is an Associate Member of Western District Conference.
–submitted by Christy Berkey Pickerill
Whitestone Mennonite Church, whitestone@whitestonemc.com; 620-327-4123
Used by permission
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