November 24, 2020

A weekly communication for WDC Churches and Pastors

WDC Executive Board, Commission, Committee and Task Force members

Any content may be used in bulletins and newsletters and

forwarded to congregational leaders and members.

WDC Sprouts is also available at:  www.mennowdc.org (Publications)

We invite your continuing support for WDC! Contributions may be made HERE.


*Share God’s love – and slow the spread of COVID-19!


Share God’s love – and slow the spread of COVID-19!

by Heidi Regier Kreider, WDC Conference Minister

We are approaching the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays in a time of crisis.  COVID-19 cases are rising sharply, the death toll continues to climb, hospitals are overflowing, health-care workers and school-teachers are exhausted, businesses are struggling, and families are suffering from the emotional and economic burden of the pandemic.

As the virus surges in our nation, I urge WDC congregations and leaders to do all within our ability to slow its spread.  As Christians, we are called to care for those who suffer and are most vulnerable, to love our neighbors, and to nurture healing and hope.  In the midst of this crisis, that means not only protecting ourselves, but also taking action and advocacy to prevent others from being exposed to the effects of the pandemic.  This means reducing gatherings and contacts beyond our own household, wearing masks, practicing physical distance from others, and other hygiene measures.

And, what else can we do?  Last week I joined a zoom meeting hosted by Kansas Leadership Center (KLC) to mobilize people across the state to slow the spread of the virus in our local communities.  KLC is encouraging their alumni and partners to convene one-hour small-group conversations (via zoom) between now and December 31, for the specific purpose of planning action steps and grassroots initiatives within their own communities and organizations to slow the spread of COVID-19.  KLC will provide facilitators for the conversations. WDC is a partner with KLC, through our Leadership Transformation Grant that has provided adaptive leadership training for WDC members over the last five years.  Now is the time to put our adaptive leadership training to work, for the sake of our neighbors and communities!  So, as part of KLC’s initiative, I plan to convene a group of WDC leaders who have taken KLC training, to meet with a facilitator from KLC for a conversation about how we can intervene in positive ways to slow the spread of the virus in our congregations and local communities.

We can also convene additional conversation groups for interested participants – whether or not you have taken KLC training or live in Kansas.  If you would like to participate in a future conversation group, please contact me at heidirk@mennowdc.org.

In this holiday season, let’s share gratitude and pass on the love of God by doing all we can to stop the spread of COVID-19!


Comparta el amor de Dios y ¡reduzca la transmisión del COVID-19!

–Heidi Regier Kreider, Ministra de la WDC

Nos acercamos a las festividades de Thanksgiving y la Navidad en una época de crisis. Los casos del COVID-19 están aumentando drásticamente, el número de muertos sigue aumentando, los hospitales están desbordados, los trabajadores de la salud y los maestro/as de escuela están agotado/as, las empresas están luchando y las familias están sufriendo la carga emocional y económica de la pandemia.

A medida que el virus se dispara en nuestra nación, insto que las congregaciones y líderes de la WDC hagan todo lo que esté a nuestro alcance para frenar su transmisión. Como cristianos, estamos llamados a cuidar de los que sufren y los más vulnerables, a amar a nuestro prójimo y a nutrir la curación y la esperanza. En medio de esta crisis, eso significa no solo protegernos a nosotros mismos, sino también tomar medidas y hacer incidencia para evitar que otros se expongan a los efectos de la pandemia. Esto significa reducir las reuniones y contactos más allá de nuestro propio hogar, usar mascarillas, practicar la distancia física con los demás y otras medidas de higiene.

¿Y qué más podemos hacer? La semana pasada asistí a una reunión de zoom organizada por Kansas Leadership Center (KLC) para movilizar a las personas en todo el estado para frenar la transmisión del virus en nuestras comunidades locales. El KLC está animando a sus alumno/as y socio/as a convocar conversaciones de una hora en grupos pequeños (a través de zoom) entre ahora y el 31 de diciembre, con el propósito específico de planificar pasos de acción e iniciativas de base dentro de sus propias comunidades y organizaciones para frenar la transmisión del COVID- 19. El KLC proporcionará facilitadores para las conversaciones. La WDC es socio del KLC, a través de nuestra Leadership Transformation Grant (Beca de Transformación de Liderazgo) que ha brindado capacitación de liderazgo adaptativo para los miembros de la WDC durante los últimos cinco años. ¡Ahora es el momento de poner en práctica nuestra capacitación en liderazgo adaptativo, por el bien de nuestro/as vecino/as y comunidades! Entonces, como parte de la iniciativa del KLC, planeo convocar a un grupo de líderes de la WDC que han tomado capacitación del KLC, para reunirse con un facilitador del KLC para conversar sobre cómo podemos intervenir de manera positiva para frenar la transmisión del virus en nuestras congregaciones y comunidades locales.

También podemos convocar grupos de conversación adicionales para lo/as participantes interesado/as, no importa si han tomado la capacitación del KLC o si no vive en Kansas. Si desea participar en un grupo futuro de conversación, comunícate conmigo a heidirk@mennowdc.org.

En esta temporada de festividades, compartamos nuestra gratitud y divulguemos el amor de Dios haciendo todo lo posible para detener la transmisión del COVID-19.

WDC announcements

  1. Giving Tuesdayis December 1 – Western District Conference invites you to join this global giving initiative! Share a gift with WDC during this season, to help our congregations Witness & invite others to faith in Jesus Christ, Dwell in just & loving relationships, and Connect to God’s mission in the world. You may make an online contribution HERE or send a check to Western District Conference, PO Box 306, North Newton KS  67117. Thank you for your generosity!
  1. New policy for Communication of Ministerial Credential Status: Recently the WDC Ministerial Leadership Commission approved a new policy for communicating ministerial credential updates, beginning in January 2021.  The policy is attached, and will also be posted on the WDC website.  Note  that the policy also refers to other credential-related documents: A Shared Understanding of Ministerial Leadership: Polity Manual for Mennonite Church Canada and Mennonite Church USA, and the Ministerial Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedure of MC USA and MC Canada.
  1. The WDC Israel Palestine Task Force invites congregations to“Preach Palestine” on November 29, the first Sunday in Advent and International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.  Resources for worship planners are available from a diversity of traditions and voices that lift up liberation from Turtle Island to Palestine. So far over 80 Mennonite Churches have indicated their participation.  Checkout the worship resources at https://www.fosna.org/keepawake!
  1. Tech Support Needed?As many churches move to online “gatherings,” Resource Commission recognizes that many of us still have questions related to the technological aspects of online worship. We want to make sure that churches have the resources they need to create meaningful worship in this time. So, amateur consultants are available. If you have a question about online worship, feel free to contact Derek King, dking@edenmennonite.org, or Steve Wilcox, rskw31@gmail.com. And since we are very amateur, we also welcome the input of other, more knowledgeable individuals. If you are willing to provide this kind of assistance to congregations in need, please contact Derek.
  1. Extra, Unused Tech? Does your church have sound or video equipment that still works that is gathering dust?  Would you be willing to share it with a congregation who has less?  Does your congregation need equipment?  Let Resource Commission members, Derek King (dking@edenmennonite.org) or Steve Wilcox (rskw31@gmail.com) know.  We’ll try to make connections, so resources can be used and churches can be as faithful and safe as possible in sharing the good news.

Camp Mennoscah announcements

  1. Cookies in a Box!  Camp Mennoscah is expanding on the theme of a Camp in a Box for Giving Tuesday with Cookies in a Box for anyone who gives $25 more than their total giving in 2019 on Tuesday, December 1.  We’ll carefully pack up the dry ingredients for approximately 20 cookies from camp cook Leslie Schrag’s famous Chocolate Crinkle cookies.  Add a few ingredients that don’t pack well and bake them at home!  Send a check to Camp Mennoscah with “Giving Tuesday” in a note, or give online at campmennoscah.org Food allergies?  Let us know.  Limited to donations given or postmarked on December 1.
  1. Camp Mennoscah is a wonderful place for family gatherings of whatever size!  A variety of facilities fit any number of family groupings.  Or maybe you only need a space during the day for walking the trails or playing disc golf.  There is plenty of outdoor space!  Contact Camp Mennoscah at 620-297-3290 or office@campmennoscah.orgto reserve!  You are welcome here!
  1. We’re thinking s’mores and socially distanced activities.  The Camp Mennoscah Christmas Gathering is tentatively being planned as an outdoor event on Saturday, December 12 at 2:30pm.  Registration required. Call 620-297-3290!  Plans may change depending on coronavirus case rates and the desire to keep everyone safe.  Bring your mask!

Mennonite church announcements

  1. SOOP (Service Opportunities with our Partners) is accepting applications! Use your gifts and skills to work alongside others in a network of ministries across the church. Flexibly designed for retirees, families, and adults over 25. Visit MennoniteMission.net/SOOPto learn more!
  2. Youth Venture is accepting applications for summer 2021! Discover and experience the work that God is doing in the world with a team of other young people as you serve, learn, worship, and build relationships. Visit MennoniteMission.net/YouthVentureto learn more!

WDC Sprouts announcement guidelines:  Announcements pertain to Western District Conference (WDC) ministries and churches, institutions with which WDC has formal relationships, and Mennonite Church USA agencies and ministries.  

Western District Conference
2517 North Main, PO Box 306
North Newton KS  67117
316-283-6300; FAX:  316-283-0620
Email:  wdc@mennowdc.org
Website:  www.mennowdc.org