What an exciting set of responses to the Curriculum Questionnaire sent out to WDC congregations this winter from the Resource Commission! We had been curious about the faith formation practices in congregations across our conference and wondering how we can better serve you by finding more ways to make connections. We received 26 responses, full of information about class groupings and materials used. We also now have an enlarged field of vision of what else is needed in your various contexts. We’re excited for the possibilities ahead!

Your responses help Jennie Wintermote, our Resource Library Director, connect you to existing materials and choose new materials for the library. As well, we see opportunities for congregations to participate in faith formation cross-fertilization. Did you say you were looking for solid youth curriculum? There are congregations that listed some. Want to try new things in adult classes? Some of your Western District Conference neighbors have ideas. Are you curious how other congregations like yours are grouping children’s classes or creating their own curriculums? We hope you’ll want to share these sorts of resources with one another across our conference.

There are lists of titles of videos and books that have been used with adults, children, and youth, as well as intriguing ideas like writing as a spiritual practice, conversations on art, and a self-made series on peacemaking. This successful questionnaire also points forward toward better communication with and between each of our congregations. We have hopes that coming together as a conference can be more than making important decisions together, more than worshiping together at assembly. WDC congregations can develop vital relationships with one another that fill each other’s desires for re-energized faith formation. We have such a richly diverse and strongly rooted grouping of congregations in our conference and we’d love to facilitate more resourcing among you.

If you participated in this questionnaire, Thank You! Be watching for news of others’ responses being made available to you. Did you miss out on participating in this questionnaire? We’d still love to hear from you! Email Jennie Wintermote (crlib@mennowdc.org) and request a link to the form.

    —Melissa Atchison, WDC Resource Commission member