Your Sunday school class/small group/Wednesday night group can now borrow multiple copies (10-15) of the same title for group study.  Current offerings include:

  • What is the Bible and How Do We Understand It? by Dennis R. Edwards
  • Fire by Night: Finding God in the Pages of the Old Testament by Melissa Florer-Bixler
  • Raising Disciples: How to Make Faith Matter for Our Kids by Natalie Frisk
  • The God Who Sees: Immigrants, the Bible, and the Journey to Belong by Karen Gonzalez
  • The Bible Unwrapped by Meghan Larissa Good
  • Why Did Jesus Die and What Difference Does it Make?  Michele Hershberger
  • Invited: The Power of Hospitality in an Age of Loneliness by Leslie Verner

To borrow or find out more about the program, contact Jennie Wintermote, Library Director at 316-283-6300 or