March 19, 2019
A weekly communication for WDC Churches and Pastors
WDC Executive Board, Commission, Committee and Task Force members
Any content may be used in bulletins and newsletters and
forwarded to congregational leaders and members.
WDC Sprouts is also available at: www.mennowdc.org (Publications)
*Something Magnetic
Something Magnetic
by Byron Pellecer, WDC Associate Conference Minister (Texas-Based)
As Christians, our goal is to have a Christ-like character. Jesus not only said inspiring things, he also gave commandments to be obeyed. In addition, he was radical in word and in deed.
His message and lifestyle challenged the religious, economic and social systems of his time; for Him, faith was not a church game.
While reading Matthew 4:23-25 I reflected on some activities of the ministry of Jesus such as: proclamation, teaching and the healing of diseases and afflictions. The results obtained by these interactions deserve to ask us a question: Why did people want to follow Jesus? It seems that people came to Jesus because he showed them God’s love and grace. People came because He was interested in their stories and because his teachings were practical, life giving and life-transforming.
Constantly, we see Jesus looking for ways to connect with his community in a genuine way. The result of this approach was that people from all social, economic, religious and political strata wanted to be with Him and follow Him.
The agenda of Jesus was the people. Through Scripture, we see him surrounded by people and crowds; He spent time with them. People were thirsty to listen to him, to see him and to be with him. It is as if Jesus had something magnetic, he attracted everyone.
May the Lord let our words and actions serve as conduits so that others may follow Jesus.
Algo Magnético
by Byron Pellecer, WDC Associate Conference Minister (Texas-Based)
Como cristianos, nuestra meta es tener un carácter parecido al de Cristo. Jesús no sólo dijo cosas inspiradoras, también dio mandamientos para que fueran obedecidos. Además, fue radical en todo lo que dijo y en todo lo que vivió.
Su mensaje y estilo de vida desafió los sistemas religiosos, económicos y sociales tanto de su época; para Él la fe no era un juego de iglesia.
Mientras leía Mateo 4;23-25 reflexionaba sobre algunas actividades del ministerio de Jesús como: la proclamación, la enseñanza, y las sanidades de enfermedades y sufrimientos. Los resultados obtenidos por esas interacciones nos merecen formularnos una pregunta: ¿Por qué la gente quería seguir a Jesús? Pareciera ser que la gente venía a Jesús porque les mostraba el amor y la gracia de Dios. La gente venia porque Él estaba interesado en sus historias y porque sus enseñanzas eran prácticas y transformadoras.
Constantemente, vemos a Jesús buscando formas de como conectarse con su comunidad en una forma genuina. El resultado de esa aproximación fue que gente de todos los estratos sociales, económicos, religiosos y políticos querían estar con El y seguirle.
La agenda de Jesús era la gente. A través de la Escritura, le vemos rodeado de gente y de multitudes; pasaba tiempo con ellos. La gente tenía sed de escucharle, verle y de estar con Él. Es como si Jesús tuviera algo magnético, atraía a todo mundo.
Quiera el Señor que nuestras palabras y acciones sirvan como conductores para que otros puedan venir en pos de Jesús.
WDC announcements
- Leadership Lunches continue on the fourth Thursday of each month. These lunch discussions are based on Kansas Leadership Center (KLC) principles, competencies, and behaviors, but please come even if you haven’t attended a KLC training. Case studies will be used to guide our time together. Come join us on March 28 at the WDC offices from 12-1:30pm (bring your own lunch). If you want to join via Zoom video conference, let us know (wdc@mennowdc.org), and you will be sent a link. We hope to see you there!
- MCC Borderlands Learning Tour: WDC Immigration Task Force thanks everyone in our conference for their interest in immigration issues. The MCC South Texas Borderlands Learning Tour May 6-11, 2019 is full. If you wish to be on the waiting list, please contact Ana Hinojosa at anahinojosa@mcc.orgbefore April 1.
- Anyone interested in carpoolingto MennoCon19 (Mennonite Church USA’s biennial convention in Kansas City July 2-6) from Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma or Texas? Let WDC know (wdc@mennowdc.org) and we’ll try help make those connections.
- The March/April/May 2019 issue of WDC Gardenis posted at: https://mennowdc.org/wdc-garden-march-april-may-2019/. In this issue, you can read about how Junior High youth got to “Know Jesus”, learn the meaning of “Hoffnungsau”, and get a glimpse of what the Ministerial Leadership Commission does. WDC Garden is a quarterly newsletter to help you know what’s going on in WDC!
Camp Mennoscah announcements
- Thank you to our many volunteers who were part of our Youth Volunteer Weekend and those who helped put in the dam! Branches were picked up from the recent winds, the “tree farm” was tended and prepared for spring, mulch was spread, and fun times were had. Our numbers were small for putting in the dam, but it was a beautiful day for both watching and being in the river. You are the greatest!
- We know you’re out there, cookie bakers and potato peelers! Camp Mennoscah is looking for kitchen helpers for the weeks of June 9-15, June 23-29, and July 14-20. No great skills are needed; following directions is all that is necessary (but a fun-loving heart helps). Contact Olivia at olivia.bartel@campmennoscah.orgor 620-297-3290. Parents receive a camper discount up to full camp fees! (PS–The kitchen is now air-conditioned.)
- Retirees Retreat at Camp Mennoscah, April 22-24! We can’t wait to see retirees of all ages for a time of renewal with sessions on everything from trips to Central America and Ukraine to Reader’s Theater and a steel drum concert. There is time to take a break or go for a walk or have coffee and conversation. Singing and Bible studies included! Email office@campmennoscah.orgor call 620-297-3290 for a brochure. Register online at campmennoscah.org! Bring friends!
- Work and Play Day at Camp Mennoscah coming soon! Our first Work & Play Day of the year is April 27. We’ll start work projects at 8:30am and end at 2:30pm, just in time for you to spend the rest of the afternoon playing. A simple lunch will be served. Please register online at campmennoscah.orgor call us at 620-297-3290 to let us know you’re coming! All ages invited; those under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
- Men and Boys Retreat is April 5-7 at Camp Mennoscah. It is a retreat for all ages of men and boys. Brad Roth will be our speaker for the weekend. There is no pre-registration, but lodging is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Saturday supper is the first meal provided. Questions? Contact Kevin Neufeld at kevinneufeld2@gmail.comor 316-322-5515.
Mennonite church announcements
- ATTENTION YOUTH ages 15-22: Wishing your summer looked a little more global? Join a team of peers to explore and engage in the movement of God in Peru, Benin, and Indonesia. Youth Venture still has openings available for trips in July. Ready to jump in? Check out MennoniteMission.Net/YouthVenture, or contact Lauren at 574-523-3022 for more information. Hurry! Application deadline is April 1.
- The Mennonite, Inc., invites your original submissions for our May 2019 print magazine issue and corresponding online content focusing on God so loved the whole world. https://themennonite.org/may-2019-call-for-submissions-god-loved-whole-world/
WDC Sprouts announcement guidelines: Announcements pertain to Western District Conference (WDC) ministries and churches, institutions with which WDC has formal relationships, and Mennonite Church USA agencies and ministries.
Western District Conference
2517 North Main, PO Box 306
North Newton KS 67117
316-283-6300; FAX: 316-283-0620
Email: wdc@mennowdc.org
Website: www.mennowdc.org