January 22, 2019
A weekly communication for WDC Churches and Pastors
WDC Executive Board, Commission, Committee and Task Force members
Any content may be used in bulletins and newsletters and
forwarded to congregational leaders and members.
WDC Sprouts is also available at: www.mennowdc.org (Publications)
*Joining the Ministry
Joining the Ministry
by Beth Yoder, WDC Business Manager
As we end one year and begin a new one, there can be a letdown with the excitement of the holidays over. The weather can be cold and sometimes dreary. However, there can be also be excitement for a chance to start fresh. For a Business Manager, the start of a new year means working on W-2s, 1099s and the like. It means looking to our fiscal year end on January 31 and thinking about budget and closing out the year.
The Stewardship Commission has been reading through Henri Nouwen’s book A Spirituality of Fundraising (available at the Conference Resource Library) and discussing portions of the book as the opening to their meetings. After two meetings, we are only through the first few parts of the book, however, but it has already given us new perspectives to think about. We often see fundraising as begging for money, but according to Nouwen it is a ministry inviting others to be a part of a vision to which God has called us and that we are excited about.
Joining the work of WDC may be in the form of monetary contributions or giving in some other way. The last few weeks you have been seeing WDC year-end snapshots in the Sprouts about events that happened within WDC in 2018. We are excited about the ministries that are happening here and grateful to have constituents who are partnering with WDC to make those events happen. Many are already investing different resources into events and projects to benefit all in our conference. We have felt the support through year-end contributions, service on commissions or task forces, involvement at annual assembly or events like Year of Evangelism, contributions toward church planting, and participation in Mustard Seed Grants to reach out the local communities.
Constituents also have creative ways to give to WDC. I recently learned of the My Neighbor program at Everence. If you have an Everence credit card, Everence will donate 1.5% of purchases made with the card to your designated “neighbor.” There is no cost to the card holder. At the end of the year, Everence sends a check to the charitable organization you have chosen as you neighbor. You can find more on the Everence website (https://www.everence.com/banking/credit-and-debit-cards/myneighbor).
Thank you to those that are using this or other ways to contribute and be involved in the ministry of WDC. May God continue to give us vision to carry out ministry in 2019.
WDC announcements
- Western District Conference Year-End Snapshot: The WDC Resource Library now has almost 100 Spanish-language resources in the Texas branch in addition to the 12,400 resources in the Kansas branch to help individuals, families, small groups, and congregations grow in faith. The Resource Library is just one way your gifts to WDC empower congregations to witness and invite others to faith in Jesus Christ, dwell in just and loving relationships and connect to God’s mission in the world! As we work together to meet WDC’s budget goal for the year, we request your donations online at https://mennowdc.orgor sent to WDC at PO Box 306, North Newton, KS 67117. Thank you for planting these seeds of hope!
- New for 2019! Check out WDC Favorites in the Resource Library! The January display features favorites of Library Director, Jennie Wintermote. Her (ever expanding) list of favorites can be found at https://mennowdc.booksys.net/opac/crl/index.html…under “Staff Favorites” Check back next month for a list of Conference Minister Heidi Regier Kreider’s favorites! These and 12,000+ other resources are available for checkout Monday-Friday 8am-5pm in North Newton, KS or via mail anywhere in the conference!
3. RESOLUTIONS FOR ANNUAL ASSEMBLY: WDC encourages the development of resolutions that educate, build consensus, provide an area conference understanding while acknowledging dissenting voices and provide a foundation for member advocacy to government. The preferred process for developing resolutions should begin with study/discussion at the congregational level with study documents prepared and distributed before resolutions are crafted for delegate action. The WDC Executive Board, commissions and task forces are encouraged to provide adequate preparation in order for delegates to discern action. Any substantive issue regarding faith and life should be discerned through congregations or WDC commissions and task forces and submitted for consideration to the WDC Executive Board 120 days prior to annual conference sessions. In 2019, this date is March 28. Resolutions should be sent to the WDC Executive Board, PO Box 306, North Newton KS 67117; or email: wdc@mennowdc.org.
- Journeying Toward God: An Anabaptist and Adaptive Leadership Workshopis a resource to assist congregations in a creative and intentional process that helps expand their capacity to make progress on adaptive challenges. This workshop, affirmed by the WDC Ministerial Leadership Commission and using adaptive leadership principles, is led by co-facilitators Phil Schmidt and Clayton Gladdish. For more information and to explore using this resource in your congregation, see the attached description.
Mennonite church announcements
- It is time once again for our biennial Delegate Assembly, scheduled for July 2-6 in Kansas City. The Delegate Assembly provides the opportunity for our MC USA family to assemble for worship, fellowship, prophecy, relationship building, understanding and deepening our commitment to Christ and each other. In 2019 we will focus on equipping our church leaders for mission while we discuss major issues of policy and discern next steps for the national conference. It is important that the voice of our constituency be heard as we gather together from all parts of the church. The Delegate Assembly is your opportunity to not only speak to the establishment of general policies and the development of programs to carry out those policies. But it is an opportunity for you to connect with and listen to the various members in our great and diverse denomination. Come see and hear what is next for MC USA. Join in helping our denomination live into its call. Meet Mennonites from all over the United States and learn how they are living into the commitments of the Journey Forward process. Select your delegates now! Refer to the Information for Delegatesto learn about the delegate selection process and registration. Other materials for the delegate assembly will be posted on this web page as they become available. In addition to delegate business, the delegate session at Menno-Con 19 will be featuring a teaching session each day with Tom Yoder Neufeld. Tom is Professor Emeritus from the University of Waterloo. He is the author of the commentary on Ephesians part of The Believers Church Bible Commentary series. The delegate session will also feature stories from congregations across our denomination that give life to our Renewed Commitments from the Journey Forward. I hope to see you in Kansas City this summer. –Glen Guyton, Executive Director, Mennonite Church USA
WDC Sprouts announcement guidelines: Announcements pertain to Western District Conference (WDC) ministries and churches, institutions with which WDC has formal relationships, and Mennonite Church USA agencies and ministries.
Western District Conference
2517 North Main, PO Box 306
North Newton KS 67117
316-283-6300; FAX: 316-283-0620
Email: wdc@mennowdc.org
Website: www.mennowdc.org