June 25, 2013

A weekly communication for:

WDC Churches and Pastors

WDC Executive Board, Commission, Committee and Task Force members

Any content may be used in bulletins and newsletters and forwarded to congregational leaders and members.

WDC Sprouts is also available at:  www.mennowdc.org (Publications)


*Creating Congregational Cultures of Generosity promotes stewardship


Creating Congregational Cultures of Generosity promotes stewardship

     by Phyllis Regier, WDC Business Manager

Last fall several members of the Western District Conference Stewardship Commission, Conference Minister Clarence Rempel and myself attended a two-day seminar entitled Creating Congregational Cultures of Generosity. The seminar was created and presented by The Lake Institute on Faith and Giving and brought to us by Everence. Participants were teams from congregations and denominations who worked together to develop strategies for their institutions to improve the generosity of their members.

After receiving much information on giving methods, trends and strategies, the WDC team worked together to develop a plan to increase our stewardship ministry. We felt there were several things that we already did well such as sharing our narrative budget with our congregations and documenting what we were doing as a conference on our website. However we also came up with some new plans.

Our newsletter was going through an overhaul which would highlight the Western District Conference’s work.  However, we felt we needed a place for congregations to share good ideas that have worked in their congregation with the rest of the conference. Out of that idea came our new communication model of Seeds, Sprouts and The Garden. The Seeds portion would be a networking of best practices across Western District Conference. This communication is emailed weekly to all churches with a request that it be shared with their congregation members by email.

We also felt that WDC needed more input from congregations concerning people to serve in WDC positions and to stress this form of generosity along with monetary generosity when we meet with congregations. More contact with our individual donors and work with promotion of estate giving were also discussed.

The Creating Congregational Cultures of Generosity seminar helps pastors and church leaders energize congregational generosity. Plans are underway to provide the next seminar March 7-8, 2014.  Participation by your congregation is well worth your time. Contact Pete Flaming at Everence, 620-327-4043, to book your reservation.

WDC Announcements

1.  Experiential Learning abounds at the Year of the Bible Launch, Aug. 1-2 at Bethel College.  Bring a team of folks from your congregation to receive eight hours of quality resourcing.  Teachers, parents, pastors, youth leaders – come on down!  Register at:  www.mennowdc.org (Events)

2.  The Bible is a Living Word!  Attend WDC Annual Assembly on Aug. 2-3 on the campus of Bethel College and engage with the scriptures all weekend.  Choose from 10 phenomenal seminars, come to learn, fellowship, worship.  Brochures and registration info at www.mennowdc.org (Annual Assembly 2013).

3.  The annual DAY ON THE FARM, to be held on Saturday, August 10 starting at 10 am at the Duerksen/Knepp farm (1582 Falcon, Hillsboro, KS), is designed to promote the relationship between rural and urban.  A noon meal will be served for a donation.  The day is free, but designed to raise funds for Mennonite Agri-Urban which sponsors the event.  A great family event!  (Pastors – your help is needed in serving the noon meal.  Please email or call (wdc@mennowdc.org or 316-283-6300) if you can help.)

MC USA Announcements

Attached are the prayer requests from the member schools of Mennonite Schools Council, and the colleges, universities, seminaries and educational programs of Mennonite Church USA for July. MEA also posts these prayer requests on its website, www.MennoniteEducation.org/PRAYERS.

Western District Conference

2517 North Main, PO Box 306

North Newton KS  67117

316-283-6300; FAX:  316-283-0620

Email:  wdc@mennowdc.org

Website:  www.mennowdc.org