Join us for a socially-distanced Western District Conference Annual Assembly online on August 1-2. (Note: This replaces previous plans for an in-person gathering). Webinars, worship, Danny Carroll, our keynote speaker, and some time to talk together will all be part of this grand experiment. What can the times we’re living in help us to discover about mission? About God’s love for the exile? We hope it will be possible for small groups to host Assembly watch parties together. We’ll be together in Spirit and over digital media. / Únase a nosotros para una Asamblea Anual de la Conferencia del Distrito Oeste socialmente distanciada en línea del 1 al 2 de agosto. (Nota: esto reemplaza los planes anteriores para una reunión en persona). Los seminarios web, la adoración, Danny Carroll, nuestro orador principal, y algo de tiempo para conversar serán parte de este gran experimento. ¿En qué pueden ayudarnos los tiempos en que vivimos a descubrir sobre la misión? ¿Sobre el amor de Dios por el exilio? Esperamos que sea posible que pequeños grupos organicen juntas fiestas de vigilancia de la Asamblea. Estaremos juntos en Spirit y en los medios digitales.
Theme: Living in Exile / Tema: Vivir en el exilio
Scriptures/Escrituras : Jeremiah 29:4 and following, 1 Peter 2:11-12
Guest Speaker / Orador invitado: Keynote Address/Discurso de Apertura
Danny Carroll Rodas is the son of a Guatemalan mother and an American father and was raised bilingual and bicultural. For many years he taught Old Testament at a seminary in Guatemala City, where he and his wife Joan raised their two sons. Upon returning to the US, Danny continued to teach the Old Testament, first at a seminary and now at Wheaton College. He has written or edited almost 20 books, some of which focus on the Bible and immigration.
Danny has graciously offered us an outline of the theme of God’s people on the move throughout the biblical story. You may choose to review this before or after his keynote address and sermon August 1 and 2.
Danny Carroll Rodas es hijo de una madre guatemalteca y un padre estadounidense y fue criado bilingüe y bicultural. Durante muchos años enseñó el Antiguo Testamento en un seminario en la ciudad de Guatemala, donde él y su esposa Joan criaron a sus dos hijos. Al regresar a los Estados Unidos, Danny continuó enseñando el Antiguo Testamento, primero en un seminario y ahora en el Wheaton College. Ha escrito o editado casi 20 libros, algunos de los cuales se centran en la Biblia y la inmigración.
Danny gentilmente nos ha ofrecido un resumen deltema del pueblo de Dios en movimiento a lo largo de la historia bíblica. Puede optar por revisar esto antes o después de su discurso de apertura y el sermón del 1 y 2 de agosto.
Registration: Congregational delegates should register below by July 27. All others (non-delegates) may attend without registering. No registration fee! Congregations and individuals are invited to give a donation, as they are able, to cover Assembly costs. After these costs are met, donations will go into the WDC Hope Fund. / Registro: Los delegados congregacionales deben registrarse a continuación antes del 17 de julio. Todos los demás (no delegados) pueden asistir sin registrarse. ¡Sin tarifa de registro! Se invita a las congregaciones e individuos a hacer una donación, según puedan, para cubrir los costos de la Asamblea. Una vez que se cubran estos costos, las donaciones irán al WDC Hope Fund.
The following information will be added as it becomes available… / La siguiente información se agregará a medida que esté disponible …
DELEGATES: REGISTER HERE BY JULY 27 / DELEGADOS: REGÍSTRESE AQUÍ PARA EL 27 DE JULIO: (Note to registrants: If you are unable to attend, please cancel your registration at: or 316-283-6300.) / (Nota para los solicitantes de registro: si no puede asistir, cancele su registro en: o 316-283-6300).
Churches – use this FORM to submit delegate names. Due to the technology involved in having a virtual Assembly, each delegate will only be able to carry one vote. / Iglesias: use este FORMULARIO para enviar nombres de delegados. Debido a la tecnología involucrada en tener una Asamblea virtual, cada delegado solo podrá llevar un voto.
VIDEO SNAPSHOTS/INSTANTÁNEAS DE VIDEO: This year we’re looking forward to hearing stories through video of our WDC congregations, Commissions, Committees and task Forces. Each group has been asked to share a single “snapshot” of some ministry they’ve been passionately engaged in this past year. Watch and learn! / Este año esperamos escuchar historias a través de videos de nuestras congregaciones, Comisiones, Comités y Grupos de trabajo de WDC. Se le ha pedido a cada grupo que comparta una única “instantánea” de algún ministerio en el que hayan participado apasionadamente el año pasado. ¡Mira y aprende!
KIDS: Virtual Day Kamp for Kids! Art, nature videos, bible time, story time, music and more on a video playlist you can share with your kids during our August 1-2 virtual Annual Assembly or anytime after that. Much of it will be translated into Spanish, except for some of the activities. Find the videos at: / NIÑOS: ¡Día virtual Kamp para niños! Arte, videos de la naturaleza, tiempo de la biblia, hora del cuento, música y más en una lista de reproducción de videos que puede compartir con sus hijos durante nuestra Asamblea Anual virtual del 1 al 2 de agosto o en cualquier momento posterior. Gran parte se traducirá al español, excepto algunas de las actividades. Encuentra los videos en:
2020 WDC Annual Assembly FAQs:
Q: I’m a delegate for my church. How can I join the 9 am delegate session?
A: The delegate Zoom link will be emailed to all delegate registrants prior to August 1. (Make sure you have Zoom software downloaded onto your laptop, smart phone, or tablet before August 1.)
Q: I’m not a delegate. Can I still participate?
A: Yes, non-delegates and friends can watch the 9 am delegate session on WDC’s Facebook page by clicking on the WDC Facebook Live link. We’ll have “chat monitors” who will forward typed questions or comments to the delegate session.
Q: I’ve never used Zoom before. How can I get help?
A: Before August 1, email Ryan, our tech support person, at for assistance. On August 1, 8:30-9 am, you may call 316-804-8765 for tech support. You’ll need either a smart phone or tablet OR a computer with a camera and microphone to participate.
Q: I want to join online webinars/seminars on August 1. Where are the links?
A: The public Zoom links will be available by August 1 at two places: and on WDC Facebook Events. To join a webinar, click on the link for the webinar of your choice or the Danny Carroll Rodas conversation.
Q: How can we access the worship video on Sunday, August 2?
A: Several ways – 1) If you want to join the 10 am “Worship Watch Party” simply go to the WDC Facebook page and click on the Facebook Live link for Spanish or English. “Watch Party” is a technical term that means we’re all together in live time, watching and “chatting” our hallelujahs, amens, and “God is good” comments to each other. 2) If you’re a pastor or tech volunteer and your worship is BEFORE 10 am, email for the video link. 3) After 11 am on August 2, go to WDC Assembly 2020 on YouTube to click on the worship video in either English or Spanish.
Q: Is there anything for kids?
A: Yes, go to WDC Assembly 2020 on YouTube and find the WDC Assembly Day Kamp for Kids video full of Bible stories, craft ideas, snack options to make, and more in Spanish and English
Q: I miss the Women’s Lunch at Annual Assembly. Is there anything for Western District Mennonite Women?
A: Yes, go to WDC Assembly 2020 on YouTube and find the video of Karen Andres’ testimony, “New Beginnings,” as well as the WDWM video.
Q: I want to learn more about the ministries of WDC commissions, task forces, Camp Mennoscah, Mennonite colleges, Prairie View, and our churches. How can I do that?
A: Go to WDC Assembly 2020 on YouTube to watch video snapshots. Click on any video you want.
Q: How can I learn more about what Danny Carroll R will be talking about?
A: Danny’s keynote address can be found at WDC Assembly 2020 on YouTube, as well as a sneak peak about his book called “The Bible and Borders.” His sermon is part of the worship video. For his bio and study guide (available in English and Spanish), see:
Q: I have another question. How can I get it answered?
A: Email our Assembly Coordinator at
RESOLUTIONS POLICY: Resolutions must be submitted a minimum of 120 days prior to Annual Assembly (in 2020, that date is April 3). Send to: WDC Executive Board, PO Box 306, North Newton KS 67117 / POLÍTICA DE RESOLUCIONES: Las resoluciones deben presentarse un mínimo de 120 días antes de la Asamblea anual (en 2020, esa fecha es el 3 de abril). Enviar a: Junta Ejecutiva de WDC, PO Box 306, North Newton KS 67117